Antike Munzen von Thrakien und Moesien
Aus offentlichen und privaten Sammlungen der Turkei
Brand:De Gruyter
185 pp, hb, b/w figures, in German.
This book offers one of the largest collections of source material for the nearly eight-century-long history of ancient coinage in Thrace and Moesia. It brings together coins from a range of well-known Turkish public collections, including the museums of Ankara, Edirne, Kırklareli, Tekirdağ and Troy (Çanakkale), as well as important private collections, that are described and presented on the principle of the Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum series.
VII Vorwort
IX Karte 1- 2
XI Bibliographische Abkürzungen
1 Ankara (Anadolu Medeniyetleri Müzesi) (1–115)
25 Edirne (Edirne Müzesi) (116–400)
55 Kırklareli (Kırklareli Müzesi) (401–554)
73 Tekirdağ (Tekirdağ Arkeoloji ve Etnografya Müzesi) (555–950)
115 Troja (Troya Müzesi, Çanakkale) (951–1284)
147 Privatsammlungen (Adana, Ankara, Manisa, Tekirdağ) (1285–1521)
179 I. Münzstätten
179 III. Römische Kaiser und ihre Angehörigen
181 IV. Beamtennamen
182 V. Monogramme
183 VI. Beizeichen
184 VIII. Funde
184 IX. Fälschungen
184 X. Konkordanz