Kouklia in Nineteenth Century Cyprus. On the Ruins of a once Glorious Paphos

99,00 TL + %0
ISBN-ISSN: 9789754285512

518 pp, b/w figures, pb, in English.

  • List of Tables 
  • List of Abbreviations 
  • Note on Usage 
  • Foreword

S e t t l e m e n t s  a n d  P o p u l a t i o n  o f  K o u k l i a 

  • Introduction

1. Nahiye of Kouklia (16th-17th centuries) 
2. The kaza of Kouklia in the 19th-century censuses
     ?2a. 1825
     2b. 1831-1832
     2c. 1833
     2d. 1843-1844 
3. The census of Kouklia on the eve of British rule 
     3a. The sources 
     3b. Settlments and Population (1876-1877) 
           Inhabitants names 
           The disabled 
           Military service 
           Relocations and migrations 
           Criminality Protégés 

T h e  S o u r c e s

  • Note on Orthography and Transliteration – Sigla 
  • Taşra Tasnifi Kıbrıs Mutasarrıflığı Defteri no 41 
  • Varidat Muhasebesi Defterleri, Temettuat Defteri no 16155 
    3. Νüfus Defteri no 3751 
    4. Νüfus Defteri no 3752 
    5. Register 35 
    6. Register 49 
    7. Register 45 
    8. Register 52 
  • Glossary 
  • Bibliography 
  • Index
Kouklia in Nineteenth Century Cyprus. On the Ruins of a once Glorious Paphos Kouklia in Nineteenth Century Cyprus. On the Ruins of a once Glorious Paphos 9789754285512 Kouklia in Nineteenth Century Cyprus. On the Ruins of a once Glorious Paphos