Understanding Transformations - BYZAS 26
Understanding Transformations - BYZAS 26

Understanding Transformations - BYZAS 26

Exploring the Black Sea Region and Northern Central Anatolia in Antiquity
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80,00 65,60
ISBN-ISSN: 9786059680226
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552 pp, color figures, pb, articles in Turkish and English.

The research of the German Archaeological Institute and its numerous partners in Boğazköy-Hattusha was never exclusively limited to the role of the site as the capital of the Hittite Kingdom. Time and again, attention was also focused on later periods, i.e. the Iron Age, the Roman Imperial period and the Byzantine period. Thus, the volume shows above all the potential that lies in the further exploration of the central Black Sea region and northern central Anatolia in the Hellenistic-Roman period. The differences in comparison to the Aegean and the southern coast of Anatolia are evident, but could be further analysed in the future on the basis of a denser data set. The same applies to understanding the relationship of rural areas to urban centres such as Ancyra-Ankara. 

Contents / İçindekiler

  • Foreword (Felix Pirson – Moritz Kinzel)
  • Önsöz (Felix Pirson – Moritz Kinzel)
  • Introductory Remarks (Emine Sökmen – Andreas Schachner)
  • Giriş (Emine Sökmen – Andreas Schachner)
  • A Very Long 1st Millennium BCE at Boğazköy? Longue Durée versus Changes from the Iron Age to the Roman Imperial Period / Andreas Schachner
  • Hoplites in Pants: Contextualizing the Warrior-Friezes from Pazarlı / Lâtife Summerer
  • Çorum Müzesi’nden Bazı Pers, Hellenistik, Roma Dönemi Eserler ve Düşündürdükleri / Resul İbiş
  • Paphlagonia Tümülüsleri / Şahin Yıldırım
  • Paphlagonia Hadrianoupolisi’nin Yerel Özellikleri ve Çevre Bölgelerle Olan Kültürel Bağlarına Bir Bakış / Ersin Çelikbaş
  • Yozgat’ta Bulunan Pişmiş Toprak Lahit: Erken Dönem Bir Galat Mezarı / Hasan K. Şenyurt
  • A Review of Funerary Practices in the Çorum Region during Antiquity / Önder İpek – Kudret Sezgin
  • Patterns of Mortality in Boğazköy during the Hellenistic-Roman Period / Handan Üstündağ
  • Hellenistik-Roma Dönemleri’nde Orta Karadeniz’i Fırat Havzası’na Bağlayan Yol Üzerinde Yukarı Kızılırmak Havzası / A. Tuba Ökse
  • New Sites Discovered in the Yozgat Archaeological Research Project / Hacer Sancaktar – Kudret Sezgin – Rahşan Tamsü Polat – Yusuf Polat
  • Goddess at the Gate: A Reappraisal of the New Hellenistic Statue from the Hilltop Sanctuary Kurul near Kotyora / Lâtife Summerer – Julia M. Koch
  • Urbanization and Romanization of Komana / D. Burcu Erciyas
  • İç Pontos Bölgesi’nde Roma ve Erken Bizans Dönemlerine Işık Tutan bir Antik Kent: Sebastopolis (Yazılı Kaynaklar ve Kazı Çalışmalarından Yansımalar) / Murat Tekin – Şengül Dilek Ful
  • Securing a New Province: Activities of the Roman Military in 1st Century CE Galatia / Dominique Krüger
  • Imperial Reflections on a Hydraulic Landscape: Water Management History of Çorum / Alaca Region / Emine Sökmen
  • Yozgat – Sarıkaya Roma Hamamı / Hasan K. Şenyurt – Ömer Yılmaz – Necip Becene
  • Ankara Kırsalında bir Roma Kaplıcası ve Yeni Bir Yerleşim Önerisi / Umut Alagöz
  • Consolidation of Power? – A 2nd Century Representative Villa Complex in Boğazköy / Sven Kühn
  • Fine Ware of the Hellenistic Period and Early Roman Imperial Times from Derekutuğun / Mareke Johanne Ubben
  • Tieion’un (Filyos) Roma İmparatorluk Dönemi Limanı Hakkında İlk Gözlemler / Şahin Yıldırım
  • Late Roman Pontic Amphorae found in Limyra (Turkey) and Horvat Kur (Israel): Typology, Provenance, Context / Philip Bes
  • Parnassos Antik Kenti Erken Bizans Kilisesi / Mehmet Sevim

Understanding Transformations - BYZAS 26 Understanding Transformations - BYZAS 26 9786059680226 Understanding Transformations - BYZAS 26