Writing the Ottomans into World History

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ISBN-ISSN: 9789754285710

Analecta Isisiana CXLI

473 pp, pb, in English.


I. War and Society 1700-1900

  • “Ottoman Empire” in Philippa Levine and John Marriot, eds., Ashgate Research Companion to Modern Imperial Histories, London: Ashgate, 2012, 127-60.
  • “War and Peace” in Suraiya Faroqhi, ed. The Cambridge History of Turkey. Vol. 3: The Later Ottoman Empire, 1603-1839, Cambridge, 2006, 81-117.
  • “Military Reform and its Limits in a Shrinking Ottoman World, 1800-1840,” in Aksan and Daniel Goffman, eds., The Early Modern Ottomans, Cambridge, CUP, 2007, 117-33.
  • "Islam-Christian Transfers of Military Technology, 1730-1918," 1-20 in EGO, European History Online, http://www.ieg-ego.eu/, 2011.
  • “Ahmed ibn Ibrahim” (Resmi Giridi) Historians of the Ottoman Empire (Online), Cemal Kafadar, Cornell Fleischer and Hakan Karateke, eds. Cambridge MA, Harvard University, 2006.
  • "Canikli Ali Paşa (d. 1785): A Provincial Portrait in Loyalty and Disloyalty," in Eleni Gara, M. Erdem Kabadayı, Christoph Neumann, Popular Protest and Political Participation in the Ottoman Empire: Studies in Honor of Suraiya Faroqhi, Istanbul: Bilgi University Press, 2011, 211-24.
  • “Enlightening the Ottomans: Tott and Mustafa III,” in Ali Caksu, ed., International Congress on Learning and Education in the Ottoman World, Istanbul, 2001), 163-74.
  • "Who was an Ottoman? Reflections on 'Wearing Hats' and 'Turning Turk,'" in Barbara Schmidt-Haberkamp, ed. Europe und die Türkei in 18. Jahrhundert / Europe and Tur-key in the Eighteenth Century (Göttingen: Unipress, 2011), 305-18, 4 col. Illus. 

II. Comparative Empires

  • “Theoretical Ottomans,” History and Theory 47 (2008), 109-22.
  • “The Ottoman Military and State Transforma-tion in a Globalizing World,” Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East 27 (2007), 257-70. 23 pp.
  • “Ottoman Military and State Transformations, 1826-28: Engagement and Resistance in a Moment of Global Imperialism,” In Stephen M. Streeter and John C. Weaver and William D. Coleman, eds, Empires and Autonomy: Moments in the History of Globalization. Vancouver; Toronto: UBC Press, 2009, 61-78.
  • “Turks and Ottomans Among the Empires”: [review article] International Journal of Turkish Studies 15:1-2 (2009), 103-14.
  • “Expressions of Ottoman Rule in an Age of Transition: 1760-1830,” in Hoca, 'Allame, Puits de Science: Essays in Honor of Kemal H. Karpat, Kaan Durukan, Robert W. Zens and Akile Zorlu-Durukan, eds., Istanbul: Isis Press, 2010, 81-95.
  • "Mobilization of Warrior Populations in the Ottoman Context 1750-1850," in Erik Jan Zürcher. ed. Fighting for a Living, International Institute for Social History, Amsterdam, 2013, 323-43
  • “The Ottoman Absence from the Battlefields of the Seven Years War,” in Patrick J. Speelman and Mark J. Danley, eds. Seven Years War as a Global Conflict. E. J. Brill, 2013, pp. 165-90
  • "Ottoman Military Power in the Eighteenth Century," Brian Davies, ed. Warfare in Eastern Eu-rope 1500-1800, Leiden, E. J. Brill, 2012, 315-48.
  • "Ottoman Ethnographies of Warfare, 1500-1800," chap. 6 in Wayne E. Lee, ed. Empires and Indigenes: Intercultural Alliance, Imperial Expansion, and Warfare in the Early Modern World, New York: NYU Press, 2011, 141-63.
  • “Whose Territory and Whose Peasants? Ottoman Boundaries on the Danube in the 1760s,” in Frederick F. Anscombe, ed., The Ottoman Balkans, 1750-1830, Princeton: Markus Weiner Publishers, 2006, 61-86.
  • "Introduction" to "Dossier: Captivity, Migration and Diplomacy in the Late Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries," Turkish Historical Review 3 (2012), 144-48, 3 articles on Russo-Ottoman relations.
  • “The Ottoman Army,” in Frederick C. Schneid, ed. Armies of the French Revolution, University of Oklahoma Press, 2015. pp. 245-72.
  • “Locating the Ottomans in Napoleon’s World,” in Ute Planert, ed. Napoleon’s Empire, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015, 277-90.

III. Review Articles

  • “The Ottoman Story Today,” [review article] Middle East Studies Association Bulletin 25 (2001), 35-42.
  • “Finding the Way Back to the Ottoman Empire: Review Article,” International History Review 25 (2003), 96-107.
  • “Ottoman Military Matters,” review article of 12 works, Journal of Early Modern History 6 (2002), 52-62.
  • "How Do We 'Know' the Middle East? MESA Presidential Address 2009," Review of Middle East Studies 44:1 (summer 2010), 3-12.
  • "The Muslim World: Recent Scholarship on the Ottoman Middle East," Journal of Eighteenth Century Studies 34:4 (2011), 535-42, special review issue on eighteenth century studies.
  • “What’s Up in Ottoman Studies?” Journal of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association 1:1-2 (2014), 3-21.
Writing the Ottomans into World History Writing the Ottomans into World History 9789754285710 Writing the Ottomans into World History