4th Century Karia Defining a Karian Identity Under the Hekatomnids
4th Century Karia Defining a Karian Identity Under the Hekatomnids

4th Century Karia Defining a Karian Identity Under the Hekatomnids

ISBN-ISSN: 9782362450082
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Varia Anatolica XXVIII

215 pp, b/w figures, pb, articles in Italian, German, English and French.


  • Henry, Olivier / Introduction
  • Roos, Paavo / Reflections on border and identity
  • Adiego, Ignasi-Xavier / Carian identity and Carian language
  • Schürr, Diether / Kaunisch-Karisches in Krya: Reyision der Grabinschrift und Vergleiche
  • Pedersen, Poul  / The 4lh century BC Tonian Renaissance' and Karian identity
  • Karlsson,, Lars / Combining architectural orders at Labraunda: a political statement
  • Henry, Olivier / A Tribute to the Ionian Renaissance
  • Descat, Raymond / Mylasa, les dieux et le village carien au 4e s. aC : retour sur /. Mylasa 11.
  • Konuk, Koray / Coinage and Identities under the Hekatomnids
  • Debord, Pierre / Zeus Pigindenos
  • Bockisch (t), Gabriele / Peter Ruggendorfer and Lilli Zabrana, Temple and altars for Greek and Carian gods. New evidence for religious life in Alinda during the late Classical and Hellenistic Period
  • Curti, Francesca - Alessandra Parrini / Iasos: importazioni di ceramica attica figurata nel V e nel IV sec. aC.
  • Aubriet,, Damien / Mylasa et l'identite carienne
  • Carstens, Anne Marie / Karian identity - a Game of opportunistic politics or a case of creolisation?
4th Century Karia Defining a Karian Identity Under the Hekatomnids 4th Century Karia Defining a Karian Identity Under the Hekatomnids 9782362450082 4th Century Karia Defining a Karian Identity Under the Hekatomnids