5 Person Bufet / 5 Kişilik Bufet
5 Person Bufet / 5 Kişilik Bufet

5 Person Bufet / 5 Kişilik Bufet

30,00 TL + %0
ISBN-ISSN: 9789756959503
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Category: Fine Arts, Antiquarian

"5 Person Bufet" exhibition book includes a text by the exhibition's curator Emre Baykal and a conversation between the poet and writer Bejan Matur and Deniz Gül. The book also offers installation photos from the actual work taken by Cemal Emden.

96 pp, color figures, pb, in Turkish-English bilingual.

In her presentation Deniz Gül is adressing her exhibitions (5 Person Bufet, B.I.M.A.B.K.R. and Loyelow all realized between 2009-2016) and her books published as a part of these exhibitions through references from Phillip Goodchild’s “Deleuze and Guattari: An Introduction to the Politics of Desire”. Such a comprehensive perspective on Gül’s artictic practice inevitably deals with questions related with artist’s own engagement in collecting material and forming a private archive. Approaching the spaces in the city from the interior and vicissitudes of language, Gül offers an opportunity to reconsider how emptied out spaces are filled by artistic gestures and activity. Gül will discuss the issues like the formation of the subject and object, power relations, subconscious and memory through her objects, installations and characters and ways of saying she formulated in her texts.

5 Person Bufet / 5 Kişilik Bufet 5 Person Bufet / 5 Kişilik Bufet 9789756959503 5 Person Bufet / 5 Kişilik Bufet