ANMED 2005-3
ANMED 2005-3

ANMED 2005-3

News of Archaeology from Anatolia's Mediterranean Areas
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ISBN-ISSN: 1308-9660-3
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164 pp, b/w illustrations, pb, bilingual in English and Turkish.


  • Arik, M. Olus / Work at the Alanya Citadel in 2004
  • Bayburtoglu,Cevdet / Excavations at Arykanda 2004
  • Duru, Refik / Excavations at Bademagaci 2004
  • Schneider, Eugenia Equini / Archaeological Research at Elaiussa Sebaste in 2004
  • Ozsait, Mehmet / The Harmanoren-Gondurle Hoyuk Necropolis Excavations of 2004
  • Taskiran, Harun / Excavations at Karain in 2004
  • Zoroglu, Levent / Excavations at Kelenderis in 2004
  • Courtils, Jacques des / Excavations and Research at Xanthos and Letoon in 2004
  • Marsteiner, Thomas / Excavations at Limyra in 2004
  • Otuken, S. Yildiz - Nilay Coragan - Bulent Isler / Excavations at the Church of St. Nicholas in Myra-Demre and the Conservation-Restoration and Documentation of the Wall Paintings 2004
  • Isik, Fahri / Patara in 2004
  • Abbasoglu, Haluk / Excavation and Restoration Work at Perge in 2004
  • Waelkens, Marc / Archaeological Research in and Around Sagalassos in 2004
  • Izmirligil, Ulku / Excavation, Conservation-Restoration Work in the Side Theatre and its Environs in 2004
  • Yagci, Remzi / Excavations at the Ancient Port City of Soli/Pompeiopolis


  • Girginer, Serdar - Fatih Erhan / Surveys in Adana - Kozan in 2004
  • Dogan, Sema / Byzantine Surveys in and Around Alanya in 2004
  • Pamir, Hatice - Gunnar, Brands / The Asi Delta and the Asi Valley Archaeological Project in 2004 Samandag and Antakya Surveys
  • Cevik, Nevzat / Surveys in the Bey Mountains in 2004
  • Ozsait, Mehmet / Surveys in Burdur Province in 2004
  • Ward, Cheryl / The Rough Cilicia Maritime Archaeological Project in 2004: A Preliminary Report
  • Townsend, Rhys F. - Michael C. Hoff / The Rough Cilicia Survey Project: Architectural Work, 2004
  • Evrin, Volkan - Mert Ayaroglu - Korhan Ozkan - Cigdem Toskay Evrin - Korhan Bircan - Murat Bircan - Levent Zoroglu / Archaeological Underwater Surveys of the Cilician Coasts
  • Iplikcioglu, Bulent / The Epigraphical-Historical Survey Project of East and Northeast Lycia - Southwest Pisidia, Work During 2004
  • Erten, Emel / Archaeological Surveys at Mersin-Olba (Uguralani) in 2004
  • Uckan, Yelda Olcay - Yalcin Mergen / Work at Ancient Olympos in 2004
  • Seyer, Martin / The Lycian Inscribed Monuments Project: Some Results from the 2004 Surveys at Rhodiapolis, Karmylessos and Pinara


  • Ekinci, Haci Ali / Work Conducted by Burdur Museum in 2004: The Rescue Excavation of the Early Byzantine Church in Yusufca, Golhisar
ANMED 2005-3 ANMED 2005-3 1308-9660-3 ANMED 2005-3