ANMED 2006-4
ANMED 2006-4

ANMED 2006-4

News of Archaeology from Anatolia's Mediterranean Areas
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ISBN-ISSN: 1308-9660-4
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161 pp with b/w illustrations, bilingual in Turkish and English.


Excavation Reports

  • Arik, Olus M. / Work on the Alanya Citadel in 2005
  • Bayburtoglu, Cevdet / Excavations at Arykanda 2005
  • Duru, Refik - Gulsun Umurtak / Excavations at Bademagaci 2005
  • Ozsait, Mehmet / The Harmanoren-Gondurle Hoyuk Necropolis Excavations in 2005
  • Kartal, Metin / Excavations at Karain Cave in 2005 
  • Zoroglu, Levent / Excavations and Repair Work at Kelenderis in 2005
  • Courtils, Jacques Des / Excavations and Research at Xanthos in 2005
  • Marksteiner,  Thomas / Excavations at Limyra in 2005
  • Otuken, S. Yildiz - Eda Aarmagan / Excavations at the Church of St. Nicholas in Myra-Demre and the Conservation-Restoration and Documentation of the Wall Paintings in 2005
  • Abbasoglu, Haluk /  Perge 2005
  • Izmirligil, Ulku / Excavations and Landscaping at and around the Side
  • Yagci, Remzi /  Excavations at Soli/Pompeiopolis in 2005

Survey Reports

  • Konyar, Erkan / Hoyuk Surveys in Adana : The Townships of Kozan and Yumurtalık
  • Dogan, Sema / Byzantine Surveys in and around Alanya in 2005
  • Marksteiner, Thomas / Surveys in Andriake in 2005  
  • Tekoglu, S. Recai / Corpus Project for Inscriptions in the Pamphylian Dialect, and the Sidetian and Pisidian Languages in the Antalya and Side Museums: 2005
  • Rauh, Nicholas / The Archaeology of Deforestation in  Ancient Rough Cilicia
  • Cevik, Nevzat / Surveys in the  Bey Mountains in 2005
  • Ozsait, Mehmet / Surveys in Burdur Province in  2005
  • Hof, Michael - Rhys Townsend - Ece ERDOGMUS / The Rough Cilicia Archaeological Project: 2005 Season çalışmaları
  • Corsten, Thomas / Research in the Kibyratis 2005
  • Evrin, Cigdem Toskay - Volkan Evrin / The Cilician Coast Archaeological Underwater Surveys-2005: Tisan (Aphrodisias)-Dana Adasi-Mavikent-Bogsak Coastal Survey
  • Sayar, Mustafa H. / The Settlement Archaeology and Historical Geography Surveys of the Provinces of Mersin, Adana, Osmaniye and Hatay, 2005
  • Erten, Emel / Archaeological Surveys in Mersin-Olba (Ugurlani) in 2005
  • Uckan, B. - Yelda Olcay - Yalcin Mergen - Elif Ugurlu / Surveys at Ancient Olympos in 2005
  • Sahin, Hamdi / Surveys in Central Rough Cilicia in 2005

Other Reports

  • Turkmen, Seher - Akif Gaffaroglu / The Conservation of a Plastered Wall with Graffiti in the Tophane Quarter of Alanya Citadel 
  • Ekinci, Haci Ali / Rescue Excavations at the Uc Tumulusler in Karamanli, Burdur
  • Harmankaya, Ali - Sahin Gumus / The 2005 Campaign at Pisidian Antioch
  • Turkmen, Seher - Gulcan Demir / Documentation Work at the Sekerhane Kocku at Ancient Selinus in 2005
  • Turkmen, Seher - Akif Gaffaroglu - Gulcan Demir / Rescue Excavations and Releve Work at the Odeon of Ancient Selinus
ANMED 2006-4 ANMED 2006-4 1308-9660-4 ANMED 2006-4