ASMOSIA XII Proceedings of the XII. Asmosia International Conference
New research on iasian marble,
Fede Berti and Diego Peirano
Lepcis Magna and the Lesbos marble,
Fulvia Bianchi, Matthias Bruno, Donato Attanasio and Walter Prochaska
Quarry items from a marble yard at the ancient harbour of Smyrna,
Matthias Bruno, Fulvia Bianchi, Donato Attanasio, Akın Ersoy, Ali Bahadır Yavuz,
Burak Yolaçan and Hakan Göncü
Glass imitations of ornamental rocks: substitutes or luxury items? The case of marmor numidicum and its glass skeuomorphs,
Miguel Cisneros, Esperanza Ortiz and Juan Á. Paz
Local and imported marbles in real and imitation painted revetment at Aphrodisias in Karia,
Peter D. De Staebler
The Agora of Smyrna: marble and architectural decoration,
Akın Ersoy, Fulvia Bianchi, Matthias Bruno, Donato Attanasio, Ali Bahadır Yavuz,
Burak Yolaçan, and Hakan Göncü
Villa del Casale (Piazza Armerina, Sicily): the opera sectilia of the Basilica’s floor and
its marbles,
Enrico Gallocchio, Lorenzo Lazzarini, Lorella Pellegrino and Patrizio Pensabene
Mt. Filfila and marble in Rusicade (Skikda, Algeria) in Roman times,
John J. Herrmann Jr., Robert H. Tykot and Annewies Van Den Hoek
Thasian Hadrians: portraits of the emperor in dolomitic marble from Thasos,
John J. Herrmann, Jr
Polychrome marble at Aphrodisias the interior scheme of the North Stoa of the Place of Palms,
Allison B. Kidd and Ben Russell
Exploring the uses of white asiatic marbles at Roman Athens: three statuettes from the Athenian Agora,
Brian Martens, Yannis Maniatis and Dimitris Tambakopoulos
The “Centauri Furietti” in bigio morato marble. New fragments from the Atrio Mistilineo at Hadrian’s Villa,
Adalberto Ottati
The use of greco scritto in Roman Campania: evidence from the Vesuvian area (Murecine, Pompeii, Herculaneum) and the Western Bay of Naples (Cuma),
Simona Perna and Rita Scognamiglio
Marble fragments of monumental inscriptions from the Tarraco Circus (Hispania Citerior),
Julio C. Ruiz, Pilar Lapuente, Diana Gorostidi and Mauro Brilli
Provenance matters: a multi-proxy approach for the determination of white marbles in the Eastern Rhodopes and the Villa Armira, Bulgaria,
Vasiliki Anevlavi, Walter Prochaska, Zdravko Dimitrov and Sabine Ladstätter
Marble at Aeclanum (Italy): new evidence from three public buildings,
Martina Astolfi, Ben Russell, Philip Harrison, Girolamo Ferdinando De Simone and Antonio Mesisca
On the presence of white and black Göktepe quarry marbles at Rome and Ostia,
Donato Attanasio, Matthias Bruno, Walter Prochaska and Ali Bahadır Yavuz
On the nomenclature of the greco scritto marble: Scripta Cursiva vs. Scripta Monumenta,
Patricia A. Butz
New data on the phrygian statues from the Basilica Aemilia in the Roman Forum,
Francesca Consoli, Sabrina Violante, Emma Cantisani, Susanna Bracci and Donata Magrini
Columns of Felix Romuliana (Serbia),
Bojan Djurić, Walter Prochaska, Nuša Kovačič, Andreja Maver, Špela Okršlar, Luka Škerjanecù
and Maja Živić
Serial imports of Troad granite shafts in the large Eastern Mediterranean islands,
Eleonora Gasparini, Patrizio Pensabene, Javier A. Domingo and Isabel Roda
Yellow-and-white breccia in Cherchel, Algeria: local or imported?
John J. Herrmann, Jr., Robert H. Tykot and Annewies van den Hoek
Coloured marble column shafts from some cities of Africa Proconsularis and Byzacena. Quantitative and analytical data,
Patrizio Pensabene, Romina Monti and Alessandro D’Alessio
Asiatic coloured marbles in Roman architecture in Arles (France),
Delphine Remeau
Multimethod marble identification for three Augustan inscriptions in Emporiae (NE Hispania),
Isabel Rodà, Pilar Lapuente, Diana Gorostidi and Philippe Blanc
The provenance of coloured marbles and granites used for column shafts preserved
at Byrsa (Carthage, Tunisia),
Ameur Younes and Lorenzo Lazzarini
Porphyrite pebbles of the Adda river (Italy) in comparison with porfido serpentino,
Roberto Bugini and Luisa Folli
New data on the stone furniture of the early christian church at Bilice in the Roman province
of Dalmatia,
Mirja Jarak and Ana Maričić
On the provenace, use and distribution of granito verde a erbetta. New investigations on its occurence and petrographic and geochemical properties,
Vilma Ruppiene, Tatjana Mirjam Gluhak and Hartwig Löhr
New petrologic and geochemical methods to determine local provenance of non-marble building stone used in the sanctuary of the Great Gods, Samothrace, Greece,
William B. Size, Bonna D. Wescoat and Michael Page
Polished stone slabs and opus sectile tiles from the Promontory Palace at Caesarea Maritima,
Frankie Snyder, Barbara Burrell and Kathryn Gleason
Stone quarry sites at Kourion in Cyprus: new archaeological and geological data,
Martina Astolfi
The “portasanta-like” marble from the Akçakaya quarry on the Limontepe near Izmir,
Hakan Göncü, Burak Yolaçan, Ali Bahadır Yavuz, Akın Ersoy, Donato Attanasio and Matthias Bruno
The Roman marble quarry zone of Spitzelofen, Austria. Mapping, finds and excavation,
Stephan Karl
The extraction technique with square-head wedges at Thasos (Greece),
Tony Koželj and Manuela Wurch-Koželj
The ancient quarries of coastal southern Mysia and Mount Pindasos (Madra),
Hüseyin Murat Özgen and Ertunç Denktaş
Insights into the serial production of marble relief slabs in 2nd century Attika: additional technical observations on the reliefs from Piraeus,
Arne Reinhardt
The unknown “pavonazzetto-like” marble quarry of Tirazli (Smyrna),
Ali Bahadır Yavuz, Matthias Bruno, Donato Attanasio, Akın Ersoy, Burak Yolaçan and Hakan Göncü
Investigation of weathering and surface depositions on cycladic marble figurines,
Vasiliki Anevlavi and Yannis Maniatis
Geology, petrography, geomechanical properties, antique quarries and utilizations of Hereke Pud- dingstone (breccia di Hereke): a forgotten ancient decorative stone in Istanbul (Constantinople),
O. Serkan Angı and Yılmaz Mahmutoğlu
Terracina (Italy). An Oriental “Barbarian” statue discovered in the Roman Theatre,
Nicoletta Cassieri
Sandstone as building and decorative stone at Bolskan-Osca-Wasqua-Huesca (northeast Spain),
José Antonio Cuchí, Pilar Lapuente and Luis Auque
The painted reproduction of porfido rosso and porfido serpentino (14th-15th centuries),
Roberto Bugini and Luisa Folli
Celadonite from Smyrna (Izmir - Türkiye): did Vitruvius get right?
Mümtaz Çolak, Hamdallah A. Béarat and İbrahim Gündoğan
Aspects of gilding in Roman marble sarcophagi
Eliana Siotto