Abdülhamid II and His Legacy: Studies in Honour of F.A.K. Yasamee

59,00 TL + %0
ISBN-ISSN: 9789754286267

288 pp, pb, articles in English.


  • Feroze A. K. Yasamee / Spying on the Sultan: A Further Note
  • Keith Wilson / ‘Remember That You Are Dealing with an Eastern People. They Understand Nothing but Force.' Imperial Germany, Great Britain and the Coercion of Abdul Hamid II (July-December 1895)
  • Gokhan Cetinsaya / Sultan Abdülhamid II's Domestic Policy: An Attempt at Periodization
  • Gul Tokay / The Ottoman Army during the Hamidian Period: An Assessment
  • Azmi Ozcan / Anti-Ottoman Debates over the Caliphate in Britain (1870-1908)
  • S. Tufan Buzpınar / A Reassessment of Anti-Ottoman Placards in Syria, 1878-1881
  • Oya Daglar Macar / Foreign Medical Aid to the Ottomans during the 1877-78 Russo-Ottoman War
  • Ali Akyıldız / The Extension of German Capital in the Balkans: The Salonika-Monastir Railways
  • Hacer Topaktas Ustuner / Two Extraordinary Missions Welcoming the Tsar and Kaiser during the Reign of Abdulhamid II
  • Odile Moreau / Ottoman-Chinese Relations in the Early 20th Century
  • H. Ozan Ozavci / ‘A Little Light in the Darkness': The Mission of Charles Laurent and the Young Turks, 1908-1911
  • Gencer Ozcan / The Prussian Impact on Turkey's Military during the Republican Era
  • Behcet K. Yesilbursa / The Role of the Armed Forces in Turkish Politics (1950-1971)
Abdülhamid II and His Legacy: Studies in Honour of F.A.K. Yasamee Abdülhamid II and His Legacy: Studies in Honour of F.A.K. Yasamee 9789754286267 Abdülhamid II and His Legacy: Studies in Honour of F.A.K. Yasamee