Adaptation and Resistance - Settlement Archaeology Series 8

Symposium Proceedings 6
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ISBN-ISSN: 9786057673671

YAS 8 / Yerleşim Arkeolojisi Serisi 8 / Settlement Archaeology Series 8
Sempozyum Bildirileri 6 / Symposioum Proceedings 6

320 pp, B&W figures, pb, articles in English and Turkish bilingual.

  • Foreword
  • Suna GÜVEN / Shifting Lenses – Adaptation and Resistance 
  • İ. Berkan ERDEM / Studies on Use-Wear Analysis of Chipped Stone Tools and its Importance 
  • Zeynep Beyza AĞIRSOY / Adaptation Process of Chipped Stone Tools during the Transition from Pre-Pottery Neolithic to Pottery Neolithic in Central Anatolia 
  • Yeşim ALKAN / Seaward. Sea Adaptation in the Aegean; Boat Images 
  • Özlem ÇAKAR KILIÇ / Middle Porsuk Basin in the Early Bronze Age through an Interdisciplinary Approach 
  • Eyüp CANER – Buket BEŞİKÇİ / Urartians: Adapting Their Structures to the Threat of Earthquakes. The Case of Ayanis 
  • Hüseyin Burak SOY / Religious Elements on Thracian Coins 
  • Aybüke NACAR  / Güre-İkiztepe Tumulus Finds Under the Persian Hegemony
  • Dilşad Ayşe KOLENOĞLU / Adaptation of Ancient Textile Industry to Today’s World 
  • Hidayet Volkan TOPAL / What is Romanization? 
  • Ayşe Bike BAYKARA / The Amphitheatre as a Space of Adaptation and Resistance in Roman Pergamon
  • Selin GÜR / Romanization Process of the Kingdom of Pontus 
  • Aygün KALINBAYRAK ERCAN / he Dynamics of Architecture in the Roman Cities of Lycia 
  • Serap YILMAZ / Slavery in Ancient Rome: Obedience and Rebellion 
  • Gizem GÜNER / Narrating Space in Greek Legend: Trojans and Achaeans in Battle 
  • Sena ÖZBAY / The Christianization of Scandinavian People in the Light of the Rune Stones and Material Culture 
  • A. Iraz ALPAY / Archaeoastronomy as an Interdisciplinary Study Area within Archaeology
Adaptation and Resistance - Settlement Archaeology Series 8 Adaptation and Resistance - Settlement Archaeology Series 8 9786057673671 Adaptation and Resistance - Settlement Archaeology Series 8