Ankara Arastirmalari Dergisi Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2 Aralik 2018

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ISBN-ISSN: 3990000089168
Ships out on 21 Ekim Pazartesi

138 pp, pb, articles in Turkish-English bilingual.

Volume: 6  Issue: 2 - 2018

Koc University Vehbi Koc Ankara Studies Research Center (VEKAM) will publish an interdisciplinary biannual refereed journal called the Journal of Ankara Studies .The first part of the journal will contain original research articles centered around Ankara and its environs while the second part will feature opinion articles on this subject.

In publishing this journal, the Center aims, in line with its mission, to compile any academic studies which reveal new data on Ankara and it's environs through scientific research and to support and release them to the public. Journal of Ankara Studies will make up for the huge lack of research about the capital by publishing articles in both Turkish and English.


  • Ali Metin Büyükkarakaya, Asuman Alpagut, Evren Çubukçu, Fabio Cavalli / Juliopolis (Iuliopolis) Antropolojik Araştırmaları: İlk Çalışmalar / Juliopolis (Iuliopolis) Anthropological Research: Preliminary Results
  • Mehmet Tahsin Şahin, Mutlu Yılmaz, Çiğdem Varol / Ankara Metropoliten Alanında Bilgi Yoğun İş Hizmeti Faaliyetlerinin Lokasyon Tercihleri / Location Preferences of Knowledge Intensive Business Services in Ankara Metropolitan Area* 
  • Petek Onur / Nostaljiyi Yeniden Yaratmak: Ankara’nın Kale, Hamamönü ve Hamamarkası Mahallelerinde Kent Kültürü / Re-Creating Nostalgia: Urban Culture in the Citadel, Hamamönü and Hamamarkası Neighbourhoods of Ankara
  • Tolga Çakmak / Kültürel Bellek Kurumlarında Dijitalleştirme: Ankara’daki 17 Kurumun Uygulamalarının Analizi / Digitization in Cultural Memory Institutions: Analysis of the Practices Carried Out in 17 Institutions in Ankara
  • Deniz Avcı Hosanlı, T. Elvan Altan / 1920’lerde Ankara’nın Konut Mimarisi: Yeni Başkentin Yerleşim Bölgelerinde Konut Tipleri / The Residential Architecture of Ankara during the 1920s: The Housing Types in the Settlement Zones of the New Capital City
  • Semih Gökatalay / Erken Soğuk Savaş Döneminde Türk-Amerikan Yakınlaşmasının Ankara Kent Kültürüne Etkileri / The Effects of the Turkish-American Rapprochement on Ankara City Culture during the Early Cold War


  • Emre Kolay / Kaybolan Bir Mimari Miras: Ankara Belediye Dairesi / A Lost Architectural Heritage: Ankara Municipal Building
Ankara Arastirmalari Dergisi Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2 Aralik 2018 Ankara Arastirmalari Dergisi Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2 Aralik 2018 3990000089168 Ankara Arastirmalari Dergisi Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2 Aralik 2018