Ara Güler - A Photographical Sketch on Lost Istanbul / Eski Istanbul Anilari
189 pp, monochrome photos, hb, in Turkish-English biligual.
189 Istanbul fotographs of Ara Güler between 1950-1990.
List of Photographs
The Light of Istanbul
1 Boatmen of the Golden Horn, old Galata Bridge and the New Mosque, 1956
2 Midday hours on the old Galata Bridge, 1954
3 Ferries of the Bosphorus and the Prince Islandsbound to the old Galata Bridge, 1955
4 “Salep” merchant in early morning lights on the old Galata Bridge, 1957
5 Traffic on the old Galata Bridge, 1956
6 Wool hanks hung to dry up in Ortaköy and the sea, 1964
7 The bridge and the ferry, 1955
8 Barges and ferries in the Golden Horn, 1958
9 Eski Galata Köprüsünden Süleymaniye, 1956 - Süleymaniye Mosque as seen from the old Galata Bridge, 1956
10 Haliç, 1956 - The Golden Horn, 1956
11 Eminönü Square after the demolishment, 1959
12 Carters near the Oil Quay, 1957
13 View from the Oil Quay, 1955
14 Boğaziçi vapuru, 1958 - Bosphorus Ferry, 1958
15 Ayvansaray’da tekne onarımı, 1969 - Boat maintanance in Ayvansaray, 1969
16 Üsküdar’da sahile çekilmiş mavna ve çocuklar, 1954 - A barge withdrawn to the coast in Üsküdar and children, 1954
17 Kalafat yerinde balık tutan bir mavnacı, 1958 - Bargeman fishing at the caulking yard, 1958
18 Kalafat yerinde sandalcılar, 1956 - Boatmen at the caulking yard, 1956
19 Kalafat yerinde müşteri bekleyen sandalcılar, 1956 - Boatmen waiting for customers at the caulking yard, 1957
20 Yağ iskelesinde yükleme, 1957 - Loading at the Oil Quay, 1957
21 Haliç’in kalafat yeri cephesi ve sandallar, 1957 - The caulking yard front of the Golden Horn and rowing-boats, 1957
22 Balat’ta tekneler, Haliç, 1969 - Boats at Balat, Golden Horn, 1969
23 Eminönü sandalcıları, 1958 - Eminönü boatmen, 1958
24 Haliç’te atlayan sandalcı ve yük feribotu, 1960 - A leaping boatman in Golden Horn and a cargo ferry, 1960
25 Vefa’da bir mahalle bakkalı ve mahallenin çocukları, 1975 - Children at the local grocer’s in Vefa disctrict, 1975
26 Azapkapı’da Osmanlı çeşmesi ve çocuklar, 1965 - The Ottoman Fountain and the childeren at Azapkapı, 1965
27 Şişhane’de çingene mahallesinde çocuklar, 1969 - Children at the gypsy disctrict in Şişhane, 1969
28 Şehzadebaşı civarında kemer altından geçen atlı araba, 1958 - Horse cart passing under an archway near Şehzadebaşı, 1958
29 Inner courtyard of an old wooden house and playing children at Tophane, 1954
30 Elderly Beyoğlu woman taking food to her cats in front of the Flower Arcade at Balıkpazarı, 1980
31 Akşam vakti Zeyrek’te evlerine giden karı koca, 1960 - A husband and wife heading home in the evening at Zeyrek disctict, 1960
32 Tarlabaşı’nda bir sokak, 1965 - A street in Tarlabaşı, 1965
33 Unkapanı’nda at arabaları ve eski evler, 1955 - Horse carts and old houses in Unkapanı, 1955
34 Eski Galata Köprüsü’nden vapurları seyreden taşralılar, 1956 - Provincials watching the boats from the Galata Bridge, 1956
35 Salacak’taki sahil kahvesinde iskambil oynayanlar, 1956 - Card-players at a shore coffee-house in Salacak, 1956
36 Süleymaniye Mosque and the shore of Unkapanı as seen from the old Galata Bridge on a winter’s day, 1955
37 Eski Galata Köprüsü’nden turistik bir geminin görünüşü, 1959 - A touristicferryas seen from the old Galata Bridge, 1959
38 Galata Rıhtımı’nda ayrılık, 1955 - Separation on the Galata Quay, 1955
39 Rumelihisar’da eski bir sokak, 1962 - An old street in Rumelihisarı, 1962
40 Rıhtımda gemi boyacısı, Karaköy, 1956 - A boatpainter on the quay, Karaköy, 1956
41 Eski Galata Köprüsü’nde olta balıkçıları, 1968 - Fishermen at the old Galata Bridge, 1968
42 Vintage outdoor fish restaurants on the shore of Eminönü in the Golden Horn, 1965
43 Kandilli’de bir konak, 1985 - A wooden mansion in Kandilli, 1985
44 Zeyrek’te kedi kovalayan çocuklar, 1968 - Little boys chasing a kittenin Zeyrek, 1968
45 Beyoğlu’da bir baca ve hamam kubbeleri, 1957 - A chimney and the domes of a Turkish Hamam in Beyoğlu, 1957
46 Beylerbeyi’nde akşam vapuru, Boğaziçi, 1960 - The evening ferry in Beylerbeyi, Bosphorus, 1960
47 Surlar ve atlar, 1969 - Ramparts and horses, 1969
48 Feriköy’de tepeye tırmanan adam, 1985 - Man climbing the hill in Feriköy, 1985
49 Geceleyin rıhtıma yanaşan vapur, Kandilli, 1965 - Boat approaching the quay at night, Kandilli, 1965
50 Cağaloğlu hamamında masaj, 1965 - Massage at the Cağaloğlu Hamam, 1965
51 Boats heading to the Bosphorus, 1975
52 Salacak ferry pier and the İstanbul silhouette, 1968
53 A man reading the newspaper on a ferry heading to the Princes Islands, 1955
54 Children getting out of a rowboat in the old Salacak Bay, 1964
55 A Bosphorus ferry sailing past Beylerbeyi, 1957
The Mystery of Labour
56 A boy worker at the caulkingyard, 1972
57 Porters waiting for work on the caulkingyard, Galata, 1958
58 Workers at the caulkingyard,1969
59 Galata’da eski bir handa su içen ihtiyar işçi, 1950 - An old worker drinking water in an old “han” in Galata, 1950
60 Worker looking out of a window in the old Yakut Han at the caulkingyard, 1988
61 Kalafat yeri, 1957 - Caulkingyard, 1957
62 Kalafat yerinde döküm işinde çalışan bir çocuk, 1988 - Boy casting iron at the caulkingyard, 1988
63 Kalafat yerinde gemiciler, 1957 - Sailors at the caulkingyard, 1957
64 Kalafat yerinde bir dökümcü ustası, 1988 - A blacksmith at the caulkingyard, 1988
65 Kalafat yerinde nakliyeciler, 1969 - Carriers at the caulkingyard, 1969
66 Yağ iskelesinde iş bekleyen hamallar, 1954 - Porters waiting for work on the Oil Quay, 1954
67 Yağ iskelesinde fıçı taşıyan hamal, 1958 - Porter carrying a barrel at the Oil Quay, 1958
68 Şişhane’de sokak satıcıları, 1990 - Street vendors at Şişhane, 1990
69 Street restaurants on the shores of the Golden Horn and an old porter, 1965
70 Kalafat yerinde işçi çocuklar, 1969 - Young workers at the caulkingyard, 1969
71 Kapalıçarşı’da şilte taşıyan adam, 1965 - Man carrying a mattress in the Grand Bazaar, 1965
72 Kapalıçarşı esnafı ve dükkânı, 1965 - Shopkeeper and his shop at the Grand Bazaar, 1965
73 Kapalıçarşı, 1972 - Grand Bazaar, 1972
74 Kapalıçarşı İç Bedesten’de eski eşya satan kadın, 1965 - Woman selling antiques in the Inner Bedesten in the Grand Bazaar, 1965
75 Kapalıçarşı İç Bedesten’de bir satıcı, 1957 - A salesman at the Inner Bedesten in the Grand Bazaar, 1957
76 Kapalıçarşı’da yaşlı bir dükkân sahibi, 1965 - An old shopowner at the Grand Bazaar, 1965
77 Old man waiting for customers in his shop in the Grand Bazaar, 1959
78 Tahtakale’de arabalar arasında sıkışmış bir hamal, 1966 - A porter stuck between carts at Tahtakale, 1966
79 Döküm fabrikası ve işçi, 1972 - Iron foundry and worker, 1972
80 Taşlıtarla’da pil fabrikasında çalışan kadınlar, 1959 - Female workers in a battery factory at Taşlıtarla, 1959
81 Kalafat yerinde istirahat eden bir işçi, 1969 - A worker resting at the caulkingyard, 1969
82 Kalafat yerinde makine ve işçi çocuk, 1969 - A worker boy and a machine at the caulkingyard, 1969
83 Eyüp üstünde gecekondu mahallesinde su taşıyan köylü kızlar, 1965 - Peasant girls carrying water in a shanty town above Eyüp, 1965
84 Man cutting the old automobile tyres near the ancient city walls at Edirnekapı, 1969
85 Kalafat yerinde işçi çocuk, 1976 - Boy worker at the caulking yard, 1976
86 Kalafat yerinde otomobil, Galata, 1976 - A car on the caulkingyard, Galata, 1976
87 Workers eating in the Yelkenci Han at the caulkingyard during the noon break, 1986
88 Beyoğlu Balık Pazarı’nda küfeciler, 1954 - Porters at the Fish Market in Beyoğlu, 1954
89 Eminönü sokaklarında bir tamirci, 1965 - A repairman in the streets of Eminönü, 1965
90 Chief dustman in front of his house at the gypsy district in Ayvansaray, 1969
91 Vefa’da eski evler ve saka, 1959 - Water-seller and old houses at Vefa, 1959
92 Kumkapı sahilinde yazma kurutanlar, 1956 - “Yazma” fabrics hung up to dry on the shore at Kumkapı, 1956
93 Bir dökümcü ustası, 1987 - An iron worker, 1987
94 Tepebaşında eski tip eczane ve kalfası, 1958 - An old-fashioned pharmacy and the pharmacist at Tepebaşı, 1958
95 Byzantine Church of the Pantocrator at Zeyrek, now used as a Mosque, 1980
96 Ortasından tramvay geçen eski Bahçekapı, 1954 - The old Bahçekapı with tramlines passing through it, 1954
97 Eminönü yakasında dolmuş sandalları iskelesi, 1956 - Rowboat jitneys at the coast of Eminönü, 1956
98 Haliç vapur ateşçileri, 1969 - Firemen of the Golden Horn ferry, 1969
99 Tophane’de kalaycı, 1956 - A tinsmith at Tophane, 1956
100 Tophane’de bir sokak, 1956 - A street in Tophane, 1956
101 Kumkapı fishermen are returning to the port in the first light of dawn, 1950
102 Kumkapı’da kuruyan ağların arasında uyuyanlar, 1965 - Men sleeping amongst the drying nets at Kumkapı, 1965
103 Büyükdere’de kuruması için ağ seren balıkçı, 1965 - Fisherman spreading out nets to dry at Büyükdere, 1965
104 Kumkapı’da kurumaya bırakılmış ağlar, 1958 - Nets spread out to dry in Kumkapı, 1958
105 Kumkapı’da bir balıkçı ailesi ve evi, 1955 - Fisherman and his family in his house at Kumkapı, 1955
106 Haliç’te mavnalar ve kuşlar, 1955 - Barges and birds in the Golden Horn, 1955
107 Kazlıçeşme’de ham deri götüren araba, 1989 - Cart carrying raw hides at Kazlıçeşme, 1989
108 Kazlıçeşme’de deri fabrikasına mal götüren hamallar, 1990 - Porters carrying materials to the leather factory at Kazlıçeşme, 1990
109 Kazlıçeşme arabacıları, 1990 - Kazlıçeşme carters, 1990
110 Kazlıçeşme’de deri işçileri, 1990 - Leather workers at Kazlıçeşme, 1990
111 Kazlıçeşme’de deri hamalları, 1990 - Leather porters at Kazlıçeşme, 1990
112 Street in Tophane leading to Boğazkesen, 1959
Flight from the fear of tomorrow, escapism or salvation
113 Tophane’de koltuk meyhanesinde iki adam, 1959 - Two men in a seated tavern at Tophane, 1959
114 Tophane’de koltuk meyhanesinde içki bekleyen adam, 1959 - Man waiting for a drink in a seated tavern at Tophane, 1959
115 Galatasaray’da fıçı meyhanesinde içki bekleyen adam, 1989 - Man waiting for a drink in a keg tavern at Galatasaray, 1989
116 Tophane’de içki içen ihtiyar, 1959 - Old man drinking at Tophane, 1959
117 Tophane’de koltuk meyhanesinde düşünen adam, 1959 - Man in deep thought in a seated tavern at Tophane, 1959
118 Balık Pazarı’nda balık bekleyen toptancılar, Azapkapı, 1954 - Wholesalers weighing fish in the fish market, Azapkapı, 1954
119 Tophane’de koltuk meyhanesinde içki içen adam, 1959 - Man drinking in a seated tavern at Tophane, 1959
120 Tophane’de koltuk meyhanesinde bir sarhoş, 1959 - Drunk man in a tavern at Tophane, 1959
121 Edirnekapı civarında eski mahallede bir sokak, 1962 - A street in an old district near Edirnekapı, 1962
122 Meyhane’de içki içen adam, 1959 - Man drinking in a bar, 1959
123 Tophane’deki sabahçı kahvesinde uyuyan işçi, 1958 - Worker sleeping in an all-night coffee-house at Tophane, 1958
124 Tophane’de esrar içen bir kadın, 1958 - A woman smoking hashish at Tophane, 1958
125 Sabahçı kahvesinde uyuyan adam, Tophane, 1955 - Man sleeping at an all-night coffee-house in Tophane, 1955
126 Taşradan gelip sabahçı kahvelerinde sabahlayanlar, 1955 - Provincials spending the night at an all-night coffee-house, 1955
127 Sabahçı kahvesinde bekleyen adam, Tophane, 1955 - Man waiting in an all-night coffee-house, Tophane, 1955
128 Men carrying coal from the ferry-boat at Unkapanı Bridge, Golden Horn, 1956
129 Bekar odasında yaşayan iki kişi, Tophane, 1955 - Two men living in a doss-house at Tophane, 1955
130 Sabahçı kahvesinden bir görünüş, Tophane, 1955 - A view of the all-night coffee-house in Tophane, 1955
131 Beyoğlu’nda sazcılar, 1962 - Musicians in Beyoğlu, 1962
132 Beyoğlu’ndaki sazlı meyhanelerden birinde oynayan bir müşteri, 1969 - A customer dancing in a musical saloon in Beyoğlu, 1969
133 Women waiting for customer in one of the musical saloons in Beyoğlu, 1969
134 Beyoğlu’nda bir saz salonu, 1969 - A musical saloon in Beyoğlu, 1969
135 Barda konsomatris bir kadın, 1969 - A hostess woman in a bar, 1969
136 Beyoğlu’nda gece kulüplerinden birinde bekleşen kadınlar, 1985 - Women waiting for customers in a Beyoğlu night-club, 1985
137 Şan Tiyatrosu’nda bale gösterisine hazırlananlar, 1954 - Preparing for a ballet performance in the Şan Theatre, 1954
138 Beyoğlu, Abanoz sokağından bir görünüş, 1957 - A view from the Abanoz Street in Beyoğlu, 1957
139 Şan Tiyatrosu’nda bir balerin, 1954 - A ballerina in the Şan Theatre, 1954
140 Taşlıtarla’da bir göçmen düğünü, 1959 - An immigrant’s wedding at Taşlıtarla, 1959
Refuge in faith
141 A South-Eastern Anatolianwoman with her child waiting to make an offering on the holy Friday in Eyüp, 1957
142 Children playing among the tombstones in the Şeyhülislam Yahya Efendi Cemetery at Ortaköy, 1985
143 Woman in burka making her way past a graveyard on the Unkapanı slopes, 1968
144 Girl in the courtyard of the Sokollu Mehmet Pasha Mosque in Kadırga, 1988
145 A woman in burka praying in front of a turbe (tomb) in Eyüp, the most holy district of İstanbul, Eyüp, 1965
146 The fountain in the courtyard of the Sokollu Mehmet Pasha Mosque at Kadırga, 1988
147 Taşlıtarlada Şen mahallede sünnet gününde eve ziyaret, 1957 - Circumcision Day visit to a house in Şen district of Taşlıtarla, 1957
148 Üsküdar’da mezar taşları ve eski evler, 1960 - Tombstones and old houses in Üsküdar, 1960
149 Eyüp Sultan Türbesi’ni ziyaret eden anne ve çocuk, 1975 - A woman and her daughter in burka visiting Eyüp Sultan’s tomb, 1975
150 Zeyrek’te Osmanlı mezarları, çocuk ve oyuncak bebeği, 1957 - Ottoman tombs at Zeyrek and a girl with her doll, 1957
151 People coming in to the courtyard of the Eyüp Sultan Mosque on Friday and a stork, 1958
152 Eyüp Sultan Mezarlığı’nda bir karı koca, 1959 - A husband and a wife at the Eyüp Sultan Cemetery, 1959
153 Merkezefendi Mezarlığı’nda oturan ihtiyar, 1962 - Old man sitting at the Merkezefendi cemetery, 1962
154 Karagümrük Cerrahi Tekkesi’nde dua eden adam, 1958 - Man praying in the Cerrahi Dervish Lodge at Karagümrük, 1958
155 Kadırga’da Sokollu Camisi girişinde çocuklar, 1988 - Children at the entrance of the Sokollu Mosque in Kadırga, 1988
156 Eyüp Mezarlığı’nda oturunlar, 1976 - Men sitting in Eyüp Cemetery, 1976
157 Vefa’da mezar taşları arasında bir çocuk, 1962 - Boy amongst the tombstones in Vefa, 1962
158 Eyüp Sultan’da Cuma günü dua edenler, 1957 - Prayers on a Friday at Eyüp Sultan, 1957
159 Eyüp Sultan Camisi avlusunda süpürgeci kadın, 1958 - A woman sweeper in the courtyard of the Eyüp Sultan Mosque, 1958
160 Haliç’teki bir Ortodoks kilisesinde ikonalar ve çocuk, 1957 - Icons in a Greek Orthodox church on the Golden Horn and a boy, 1957
161 Fethiye Camisi avlusunda bilye oynayan çocuklar, 1968 - Children playing with marbles on the courtyard of the Fethiye Mosque, 1968
Who cares... Life goes on... and
162 Stork chasing pigeons in the courtyard of the Eyip Sultan Mosque, 1964
163 Beyoğlu, Galatasaray köşesinde karlı bir günde tramvaylar, 1960 - Trams turning the corner at Galatasaray on a snowy day, 1960
164 Kartal’da bir kahvenin içi, 1956 - The inside of a coffee-house in Kartal, 1956
165 Unkapanı civarında yorgunluk gideren bir kadın, 1956 - A resting woman at the environs of Unkapanı, 1956
166 Beykoz’da seyyar manav ve kahve, 1957 - A costermonger and a coffee-house in Beykoz, 1957
167 Paşabahçe’de kahvede uyuklayan adam ve kedi, 1951 - Man and cat dozing off in a coffee-house at Paşabahçe, 1951
168 Beyoğlu’nda bir pasaj kahvesinde konuşanlar, 1958 - Chatters at a coffee-house in a Beyoğlu arcade, 1958
169 Haliç’te dükkânlarının önünde demir işçileri, Hasköy, 1978 - Ironworkers in front of their shops in Hasköy, Golden Horn, 1978
170 Karaköy’de bir seyyar satıcı, 1955 - A street-vendor in Karaköy, 1955
171 Kalafat yerinde dede ile torunları, 1969 - Man with his grand-daughters at the caulkingyard, 1969
172 Erenköy’de ramazan pidesi alan adam, 1959 - Man buying Ramadan flat bread at Erenköy, 1959
173 Zeyrek’te bir sokak ve seyyar satıcı, 1986 - Costermonger in a street at Zeyrek, 1986
174 Büyükdere’de bir balıkçı ve kulübesi, 1962 - A fisherman and his cottage on Büyükdere, 1962
175 Two shopkeepers in İçbedesten at the Grand Bazaar and an apprentice, 1962
176 Vefa’da eski bir ev ve çarşaflı kadın, 1969 - A wooden house and a woman in burka at Vefa, 1969
177 Vefa’da Kilise Camisi avlusunda çocuk, 1956 - Girl jumping down from the courtyard of the Kilise Mosque at Vefa, 1956
178 Sirkeci’de bir kış gününde atlı araba ve tramvay, 1956 - Horse cart and tram at Sirkeci on a winter day, 1956
179 Küçük Ayasofya’da karlı bir gün bir mahalle arası, 1968 - A back street near Little Ayasofya on a snowy day, 1968
180 Üsküdar’da bir sokak, 1969 - A street in Üsküdar, 1969
181 Tophane’de nine ile torunu, 1962 - Woman with grand-daughter at Tophane, 1962
182 Tophane’de muhabbet eden iki kişi, 1969 - Two men chatting at Tophane, 1969
183 Tombstones and old house with a smoking chimney between Ayvansaray and Eyüp, 1964
184 Zeyrek’te eski bir ev ve kadın, 1972 - An old house and a woman in Zeyrek, 1972
185 Zeyrek’te eski bir ev ve ihtiyar adam, 1974 - An old man and an old house in Zeyrek, 1974
186 Erenköy’de bir konak bahçesi, 1962 - Garden of a mansion in Erenköy, 1962
187 Kandilli’de eski bir yokuş, 1985 - An old slope in Kandilli, 1985
188 Tophane’de oynayan çocuklar, 1986 - Children playing at Tophane, 1986
189 Akşamüstü Kandilli’den kalkan bir Boğaziçi vapuru, 1965 - A Bosphorus ferry leaving Kandilli in the early evening, 1965