Between Three Empires : Consular Network of Romania (1879 - 1918)
Between Three Empires : Consular Network of Romania (1879 - 1918)

Between Three Empires : Consular Network of Romania (1879 - 1918)

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ISBN-ISSN: 9789754287004
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Category: History
194 pp, pb, in English.



Consular Network of Romania: Historiography, Research Directions, Sources (Adrian-Bogdan Ceobanu, Silvana Rachieru).

The Ottoman Empire. Silvana Rachieru,

Symbolic Geography of a Network Under Construction : Consulates of Romania in the Ottoman Empire.

Daniel Cain, The Misfortunes of a Romanian Consul: The Spiru Constantinescu Incident (1895).

Emanuil Ineoan, A Brief History of the Romanian Consulate at Salonica (1879–1919).

The Austro-Hungarian Empire. Andreea Dancila Ineoan,

“Walking on Thin Ice”: The Consulate in Budapest, a Challenge to Romanian Diplomacy at the Beginning of the 20th Century. ?tefan Craciun, Nicolae B. Cantacuzino: Vice-consul of Romania in Budapest (1891–1894).

Vitalie Varatic, Activity of the Romanian Consulate in Chernivtsi (1892–1915). Patricia Gheme? (Manea), Honorary Consulates of Romania in Austro-Hungarian Empire. Entangled Biographies of Honorary Consuls: Wilhelm and Alfred von Lindheim.

The Russian Empire. Adrian-Bogdan Ceobanu, Romanian Consulates in the Russian Empire (1879–1914): Organization, Staff, and Activity. Bianca Moglan,

Selections from the Biography of a Romanian Consul in Odessa: Petre P. Mavrogheni.

About the authors.

Between Three Empires : Consular Network of Romania (1879 - 1918) Between Three Empires : Consular Network of Romania (1879 - 1918) 9789754287004 Between Three Empires : Consular Network of Romania (1879 - 1918)