Biblical Turkey (2nd Updated Revision)

39,00 TL + %0
ISBN-ISSN: 9786258056952

424 pp, color figures, pb, in English.

Updated and revised 5th edition.

Biblical Turkey is an authoritative and comprehensive guide to the ancient Jewish and Christian sites in Turkey. It includes all the references to cities, regions, provinces, and natural features in the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament, Apocrypha/Deuterocanonicals, New Testament and Apostolic Fathers.

Special features include Sidetrips, which point to nearby sites that are also of interest to visitors. The In-Sites help readers to read between the lines for special insights into the biblical text. In the Ancient Voice section writers from antiquity speak about the ancient world of Asia Minor.

Colorful photographs and plans of selected sites illustrate the volume.


Author’s Introduction

General Introduction



  • Turkey’s Seven Regions with Biblical Sites
  • Jewish Communities in Asia Minor
  • Paul’s Anatolian Journeys
  • John’s Seven Churches of Asia
  • Peter’s Communities

Chapter 1: East Region (Dogu Anadolu Bolgesi)

Natural Sites

  • Mount Ararat (Agri Dag)
  • Euphrates River
  • Tigris River
  • Ancient Voice: The Gilgamesh Epic

Ancient Regions

  • Ararat, Urartu
  • Togarmah

Ancient Cities

  • Tushpa
  • Sidetrip: Urartian Fortresses and Ahtamar Church

Chapter 2: Southeast Region (Guneydogu Anadolu Bolgesi)

Natural Sites

  • Mount Ararat (Cudi Dag)

Ancient Regions

  • Aram-naharaim
  • Eden
  • Gozan
  • Paddan–aram

Ancient Cities

  • Carchemish
  • Modern Voice: Leonard Wooley
  • Ancient Voice: Jeremiah and the Babylonian Chronicles
  • Edessa/Ur?
  • Ancient Voice: Eusebius and the Abgar Tradition
  • In-Site: Abraham and Ur
  • Haran (Harran)
  • Sidetrip: Gobekli Tepe
  • Nahor
  • Tiphsah/Zeugma
  • Ancient Voice: Apollonius of Tyana
  • Sidetrip: Nemrut Dagi
  • In-Site: Harmagedon (Armageddon) on the Euphrates
  • Sidetrip: Tur Abdin

Chapter 3: Mediterranean Region (Akdeniz Bolgesi)

Ancient Regions

  • Cilicia
  • Lycia
  • Muzur, Musru, Musri
  • Pamphylia
  • Pisidia
  • Syria

Ancient Cities

  • Adana
  • Alexandria ad Issum
  • In-Site: The Churches in Syria and Cilicia
  • Sidetrip: Plain of Issus
  • Antioch on the Orontes
  • In-Site: Peter and Antioch
  • Ancient Voice: The Seleucus Inscription
  • Sidetrip: Syria
  • Attalia
  • Daphne
  • Mopsuestia
  • Sidetrip: Hierapolis Castabala and Karatepe
  • Myra
  • Sidetrip: Andriace
  • In-Site: Travel on the Mediterranean Sea
  • Patara
  • Ancient Voice: The Lycian League and America’s Founding Fathers
  • Sidetrip: Xanthos and Letoon
  • Perga
  • In-Site: Paul’s Anatolian Journeys
  • In-Site: Why Did John Mark Leave Paul and Barnabas?
  • In-Site: The Route from Perga to Pisidian Antioch
  • Phaselis
  • Pisidian Antioch
  • In-Site: New Testament Timeline in Asia Minor
  • In-Site: Sergius Paulus
  • Sidetrip: Apollonia
  • Seleucia Pieria
  • Sidetrip: The Monastery of Simeon Stylites the Younger
  • Sidetrip: Cyprus
  • In-Site: Mt. Zaphon
  • Side
  • In-Site: The Agora and Redemption Language in the New Testament
  • In-Site: Ancient Water Systems
  • Sidetrip: Aspendus
  • Tarsus
  • In-Site: Paul of Tarsus
  • Ancient Voice: Tibullus
  • Ancient Voice: Statius
  • Sidetrip: Cilician Gates
  • Sidetrip: Soli/Pompeiopolis
  • In-Site: Tarshish, Tarsus, and Jonah
  • In-Site: Building a Roman Road
  • Sidetrip: Roman Road at Saglikli Koy
  • Sidetrip: Seleucia ad Calycadnum

Chapter 4: Central Anatolian Region (Ic Anadolu Bolgesi)

Ancient Regions

  • Cappadocia
  • Galatia
  • In-Site: North versus South Galatia?
  • Lycaonia
  • Meshech
  • Phrygia
  • Sidetrip: The Highlands of Phrygia
  • Tubal

Ancient Cities

  • Ancyra
  • Sidetrip: Gordium
  • Caesarea Mazaca
  • Sidetrip: Kanesh/Kultepe
  • Sidetrip: Tyana
  • Derbe
  • Dorylaeum
  • Sidetrip: Cotiaeum, Aizanoi, and Altintas
  • Hattusha, Yazilikaya, Alacahoyuk
  • Iconium
  • In-Site: A Saint Called Thecla
  • In-Site: The Via Sebaste
  • Sidetrip: Catalhoyuk
  • Sidetrip: Eflatun Pinar
  • Lystra
  • In-Site: Timothy of Lystra
  • Pessinus
  • Ancient Voice: Ovid
  • Philomelium
  • Sidetrip: Ipsus, Prymnesus, Docimium, and Synnada
  • In-Site: Bartholomew and the Inner Lycaones
  • Tavium

Chapter 5: Aegean Region (Ege Bolgesi)

Aegean Sea, Mountains, and Rivers

Ancient Regions and Roman Province

  • Aeolis
  • Asia
  • Caria
  • Ionia
  • Lydia
  • Phrygia (Asian)
  • Ancient Voice: Josephus

Ancient Cities

  • Adramyttium
  • Sidetrip: Lesbos
  • Cnidus
  • Sidetrip: Rhodes
  • Colossae
  • In-Site: Philemon, Onesimus, and Slavery
  • Sidetrip: Apamea, Acmonia, and Eumeneia
  • Ancient Voice: Dio Chrysostom’s Description of a Conventus
  • Ephesus
  • Ancient Voices: Antipater of Sidon and Pausanius
  • In-Site: The Prytaneion, the Riot, and its Pillars
  • In-Site: Celsus’ Attributes and Christian Character
  • In-Site: The Hall of Tyrannus
  • In-Site: Fish and Games
  • In-Site: John and Cerinthus in the Baths
  • In-Site: Paul and the Stadium
  • Ancient Voice: Procopius and the Basilica of John
  • In-Site: John and Ephesus
  • Ancient Voice: The Acts of John and the Temple of Artemis
  • Sidetrip: Patmos
  • Sidetrip: Pollio Aqueduct, Belevi Mausoleum, and Metropolis
  • Halicarnassus
  • Sidetrip: Cos (Kos)
  • Hierapolis
  • In-Site: Public Toilets and the Trade of Fuller
  • Laodicea
  • In-Site: Laodicea’s Water System
  • Sidetrip: Aphrodisias
  • Ancient Voice: The Aphrodisias Jewish Inscription
  • Magnesia ad Meandrum
  • Sidetrip: Priene
  • Ancient Voice: The Emperor’s Gospel
  • Magnesia ad Sipylum
  • Ancient Voice: Pausanius
  • Miletus
  • In-Site: The Gulf of Latmus
  • Ancient Voice: Alexander Polyhistor
  • Ancient Voice: Pseudo-Phocylides
  • Sidetrip: The Apollo Oracle at Didyma
  • Ancient Voice: The Didymean Apollo on Christ
  • Sidetrip: Euromos, Mylasa, and Stratonicea
  • Myndus
  • Pergamum
  • In-Site: The Use of Parchment in Early Christianity
  • Philadelphia
  • Sardis
  • In-Site: The Jews in Sardis and Queen Esther
  • In-Site: Sardis and the Royal Road
  • Ancient Voice: Dio Chrysostum and Erasing a Name
  • Smyrna
  • Ancient Voice: The Martyrdom of Polycarp
  • Ancient Voice: Asia’s Entrance into the Roman Empire
  • In-Site: Sabbatai Zevi
  • Sidetrip: Colophon, Notion, and Claros
  • Thyatira
  • In-Site: Lydia and the Trade Guilds
  • In-Site: Food Sacrificed to Idols
  • Tralles
  • Ancient Voice: Ignatius and the Letter to the Trallians
  • In-Site: Chairemon the Intercessor
  • Trogyllium
  • Sidetrip: Samos

Chapter 6: Black Sea Region (Karadeniz Bolgesi)

Ancient Region-Province

  • Pontus
  • Ancient Voice: Pliny the Younger

Ancient Cities

  • Amasia
  • Ancient Voice: Strabo the Geographer
  • Amastris
  • Amisus/Sampsames
  • Heraclea Pontica
  • Sinope
  • In-Site: Sinop, Underwater Archaeology, and Noah’s Flood
  • Zela

Chapter 7: Marmara Region (Marmara Bolgesi)

Ancient Regions and Province

  • Bithynia
  • Ancient Voice: Pliny the Younger and his Letters to Trajan 352
  • Mysia
  • Thrace
  • Troad

Ancient Cities

  • Assos
  • In-Site: Paul’s Walk to Assos
  • Byzantium/Constantinople
  • Ancient Voice: The Siloam Inscription
  • Chalcedon
  • Nicea
  • In-Site: The Seven Ecumenical Councils
  • Ancient Voice: Cassius Dio
  • Ancient Voice: The Nicene Creed
  • In-Site: The Seventh Ecumenical Council
  • Nicomedia
  • Ancient Voice: Arrian
  • Troas, Alexandria
  • Sidetrip: Troy




About the Author 

Biblical Turkey (2nd Updated Revision) Biblical Turkey (2nd Updated Revision) 9786258056952 Biblical Turkey (2nd Updated Revision)