Bibliography of Ancient Numismatics for Anatolia / Antik Anadolu Numismatigi Bibliyografyası

28,00 TL + %0
ISBN-ISSN: 9789757538523

Bilingual in Turkish and English, 231 pp, hb.

This study is intended to be the continuation of Cl. E. Bosch's "Türkiye'nin Antik Devirdeki Meskukatına Dair Bibliyografya". Since it was published in 1949, fortyfive years passed! Up to now thousands of books or articles on Anatolian numismatics have been published. Almost every day a publication in this field appears since Turkey has a rich historical and archaeological background. But it should be pointed out that although Turkey has a great potential of ancient coins, there is only a few numismatists to study on them.

Bibliography of Ancient Numismatics for Anatolia / Antik Anadolu Numismatigi Bibliyografyası Bibliography of Ancient Numismatics for Anatolia / Antik Anadolu Numismatigi Bibliyografyası 9789757538523 Bibliography of Ancient Numismatics for Anatolia / Antik Anadolu Numismatigi Bibliyografyası