The J. Paul Getty Museum Fasicule 6

72 pp + 44 b/w plates, 57 drawings, in its special box, in English.

Etruscan Impasto and Bucchero.
This is the first in the series of Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum fascicules for the Getty Museum on Etruscan vases. In it, Richard de Puma publishes all of the Museum's Etruscan impasto and bucchero vases and fragments. He also provides a comprehensive discussion of certain attribution and workshop problems presented by the vases.

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum U.S.A. Fascicule 31 Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum U.S.A. Fascicule 31 9780892362936 Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum U.S.A. Fascicule 31