Das Hanghaus 2 von Ephesos. Studien zur Baugeschichte und Chronologie
Das Hanghaus 2 von Ephesos. Studien zur Baugeschichte und Chronologie

Das Hanghaus 2 von Ephesos. Studien zur Baugeschichte und Chronologie

225,00 TL + %0
ISBN-ISSN: 9783700130505
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256 pp, b/w figures, pb, in German.

The volume presented here is edited by F. Krinzinger and contains seven studies concerning the chronology of the terrace house 2 (Hanghaus 2) at Ephesus. While it was once suggested that the house had been in continuous use from early Roman imperial times until the beginning of the 7th century, it is now quite clear that the Insula was destroyed in the 3rd quarter of the 3rd century by an enormous earthquake. The paper by S. Ladstätter includes an analysis of the research history in combination with recent excavation results. A critical discussion of what is known as the “mixed argumentation” as well as of the problem of archaeological interpretations based on historical sources is an important contribution to the development and changes of methods in Classical Archaeology. H. Thür and G. Wiplinger deal with the building history of the Insula based on a detailed description and interpretation of the phases of housing units 1, 2, 4 and 6. The paper by H. Taeuber focuses on the graffiti on the wall-paintings, which give important clues for their absolute date.

Das Hanghaus 2 von Ephesos. Studien zur Baugeschichte und Chronologie Das Hanghaus 2 von Ephesos. Studien zur Baugeschichte und Chronologie 9783700130505 Das Hanghaus 2 von Ephesos. Studien zur Baugeschichte und Chronologie