Davutpasa Orta 3
Davutpasa Orta 3

Davutpasa Orta 3

37,00 TL + %0
ISBN-ISSN: 9786055753337
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Category: Photograph, Politics

102 pp, b/w photos, hb, in Turkish-English bilingual.

The moring of September 12, 1980... Prisoners, many of them not yet in their twenties, are woken up by announcement blasting over the sound system: "Armenians, Greeks, communists and traitors shall be brought to account!" Nothing would ever be the same again for these young men, who risked their lives in the name of a struggle for "beautiful, sunny days"...

Davutpaşa Mid 3 presents portraits of 42 human being who shared their fate ward of Davutpaşa Military Prison in the lead-up to and aftermath of the 12 September 1980 military coup d'état, that left an indelible mark on the recent history of Turkey.

Davutpasa Orta 3 Davutpasa Orta 3 9786055753337 Davutpasa Orta 3