Die karische Stadt Latmos. Milet Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen und Untersuchungen seit dem Jahr 1899
Brand:De Gruyter
Category: Prehistory and Archaeology
Band 3: Feldforschungen im Latmos - Teil 6
xii + 62 pp + 128 plates, hb, in German.
This is the first volume in a series of settlement studies which aims to document all the visible memorials above ground in Herakleia at Latmos and the attendant area from pre-historic times up to the Osmanian era. Peschlow-Bindokat presents the results of her field studies in the Carian city of Latmos. There is a precise and detailed description of the fortifications, the internal construction, the area outside the city walls, and the necropolis of Latmos. The study is complemented with numerous illustrations, a catalogue of the dwellings, and an essay on the coins of Latmos. The volume continues the tradition of systematic exploration of Latmos established by Theodor Wiegand in 1905 in the context of his excavations of Milet.