Essentials of Research Paper Writing
Essentials of Research Paper Writing

Essentials of Research Paper Writing

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ISBN-ISSN: 9789757463245
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231 pp, pb, in English.

This book has 232 pages and focuses on academic writing in the APA style. It explains the process of research in a practical way and provides explanations and specific examples of the different steps in the preparation of an academic research paper. The objectives of the book are to demonstrate the evaluation and interpretation of written information, develop technical vocabulary, create awareness of scholarly sources, and highlight the conventions of the academic research process and the norms of research ethics. The writers of the book are instructors of the Advanced English 201 course at İstanbul Technical University (ITU). Although written primarly for ITU students, it is a uselful guide for anyone interested in writing an academic research paper in the APA style. 

Essentials of Research Paper Writing Essentials of Research Paper Writing 9789757463245 Essentials of Research Paper Writing