Ethnoarchaeological Investigations in Rural Anatolia. Volume I
Ethnoarchaeological Investigations in Rural Anatolia. Volume I

Ethnoarchaeological Investigations in Rural Anatolia. Volume I

ISBN-ISSN: 9799758070830
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Advisory Board: Curtis Runnels, Jak Yakar.
In memory of Hamit Zübeyr Kosay (1897-1984).
10 articles by several authors.

161 pp with b/w illustrations, pb, In English


  • YAKAR, Jak / Etnoarchaeology in rural Anatolia
  • TAKAOGLU,Turhan / Etnoarchaeology in Turkey: a historical approach
  • HOPKINS, Lisa / Agriculture and economy in a highland village: an etnoarchaeology approach
  • DILER, Adnan / Tradition and change in olive oil processing in rural Caria
  • BAKIR, Tomris / Domestic pot making in Yigittasi village in northeast Anatolia
  • ERTUG, Fusun / Pottery Production at Uslu in the Elazig region
  • TEKKOK, Billur / The pottery workshops at Eceabat in nortwest Anatolia: the Hellenistic and Roman traditions continue
  • GUNDOGDU, Hamza / Patterns of black amber bead making in northeast Anatolia
  • ARSLAN, Rustem - Stephan BLUM, Darıkoy: etnoarchaeological investigations into the emergence of archaeological variability
  • YALMAN, Nurcan / Etnoarchaeological reseach and "settlement logic"
Ethnoarchaeological Investigations in Rural Anatolia. Volume I Ethnoarchaeological Investigations in Rural Anatolia. Volume I 9799758070830 Ethnoarchaeological Investigations in Rural Anatolia. Volume I