Festschrift in Honor of Ioannis P. Theocharides. Studies on Ottoman Cyprus, Studies on the Ottoman Empire and Turkey

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ISBN-ISSN: 9789754285116

Set of 2 volumes

Vol. 1 - Studies on Ottoman Cyprus 245 pp, b/w figures, articles in English and French.
Vol. 2 - Studies on the Ottoman Empire and Turkey 513 pp, b/w figures,articles in English, French and German.

Cilt 1
Studies on Ottoman Cyprus

  • Balta, Evangelia - Mustafa Oğuz / The Muslims in Tuzla (Lamaca). The census of Register TŞR.KB.d40 
  • Bayraktar-Tellan, Elif / The Financial Netvvorks of the Orthodox Clergy. The case of Cyprus at the beginning of the 19th Century
  • Çoruh, Haydar / II. Mahmud Döneminde Taşra Reformu: Kıbrıs Örneği
  • Demiryürek, Mehmet / The Consulate of Spain in Cyprus (1787-1820)
  • Erdoğru, M. Akif / The Nahiye of Evdimou in 1572 in Cyprus under Ottoman Rule: Administrative Borders, Population, Economic Wealth and Villages
  • Kappler, Matthias / Le discours politico-litteraire du poete chypriote Hilmî Efendi entre critique du local et eloge du pouvoir ottoman central
  • Louis, Kyprianos D. / Market liquidity, entrepreneurial strategy and cash flow in post-1821 Cyprus: the case of Yeorgakis Markantonides
  • Özkul, Ali Efdal / Silk Production and Trade in Ottoman Cyprus
  • Stavrides, Theoharis / Champions of the Sultan: The Rebellion of Cyprus 1764-1766

Cilt 2
Studies on the Ottoman Empire and Turkey

  • Aktsoglou, Iakovos / Seeking Aletheia for the Sake of Memory and of History 
  • Bakirtzis, Ioannis M. & Nicolaos Th. Constantinides / Administrative Division and Toponymic Tradition in the Xanthi and Ghenisea Region, from the beginning of Ottoman Rule until
  • Balta, Evangelia / A Notebook on the History of the Karamanli Press
  • Bulut, Christiane / Abed-a Mevleviye Sufi from South Iran (14* century)
  • Hendrich, Beatrice / Von Pfeilen, Strahlen und Glühbirnen: Das Emblem der „Partei für Gerechtigkeit und Entvvicklung" (AKP)
  • Iordanoglou, Anastasios K. / Osmanlı Döneminde Tıp Eğitimi ve Sağlık Kurumları Sultan Reşad'in İstanbul'da Balıklı Rum Hastanesi Hakkındaki Fermanları ...
  • Irakleous, Stelios / The Contents of the Periodical The First Decade (1872-1880)
  • Kambouridis, Costas / The Region of Grevena in the 16th Century according to Ottoman tahrir Sources
  • Konstantakopoulou, Angeliki / Post-Cold War Balkans: Which Past in Which State? The Paradigm of the Massacre at Batak in 1876
  • Kotzageorgis, Phokion P. / New Tovvns and Old Towns in the Ottoman Balkans. Two case studies from Northern Greece
  • Koutzakiotis, Georges / "Je suis en un mot un des sans-culottes" : un Grec de Tenedos au service de la France re olutionnaire 
  • Laiou, Sophia / The Ottoman Greek "Merchants of Europe" at the beginning of the19th Century
  • Martzari, Olga / The Türbe and Teke of Niyazi Misri in Lemnos
  • Moustakas, Konstantinos / The Logic of Historical Thematology in the Historia Politica Constantinopoleos and the Historia Patriarchica Constantinopoleos
  • Papastamatiou, Demetrios / The Structure, Content and Development of Large Estates in the Environs of Salonica during the period 1697-1770
  • Sagaster, Börte / The Novels of the Armenian Turkish vvriter Markar Esayan
  • Salakidis, Georgios / Money lending in 17th century Yenişehir-i Fenâr. The Case of the Cash Vakıfs
  • Sinclair, Tom / Constantinople, Ottoman Identity and Byzantine Identity
  • Stamatopoulos, Dimitris / Modern Greek Enlightenment and Hegemony in the Rum Millet: Critical Observations on the Paraphrase of Dimitrakis Katartzis' Encomion of Philosopher by Nikolaos Logades ...
  • Strohmeier, Martin / İbrâhîm Khalîl Pasha and the Armenian Massacres in the Province of Sivas (1894-1896)
  • Trandafilova-Louka, Oxana Efrosinia / Some Remarks on the Origins of Gagauz
Festschrift in Honor of Ioannis P. Theocharides. Studies on Ottoman Cyprus, Studies on the Ottoman Empire and Turkey Festschrift in Honor of Ioannis P. Theocharides. Studies on Ottoman Cyprus, Studies on the Ottoman Empire and Turkey 9789754285116 Festschrift in Honor of Ioannis P. Theocharides. Studies on Ottoman Cyprus, Studies on the Ottoman Empire and Turkey