Filistin'de Osmanli Postalari 1840-1918 Cilt 1 Kudus / Ottoman Post in Palestine 1840-1918 volume 1 Jerusalem
Filistin'de Osmanli Postalari 1840-1918 Cilt 1 Kudus / Ottoman Post in Palestine 1840-1918 volume 1 Jerusalem

Filistin'de Osmanli Postalari 1840-1918 Cilt 1 Kudus / Ottoman Post in Palestine 1840-1918 volume 1 Jerusalem

26,00 TL + %0
ISBN-ISSN: 9789758813117
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80 pp, pb, color figures, bilingual Turkish-English.

First book in the trilogy of the Ottoman Posts in Palestine covering the Ottoman Field Post Offices in Palestine during the First World War, based on the gold medal winning "The Alexander Collection" was published in 2000.

Following years of meticulous research and additional rare material made it possible for us to publish the second book of the series again based on The Alexander Collection covering the Civil Post Offices in Jerusalem from 1840 to 1918 when the Ottoman rule ended in Palestine.

The book tells the story of communication under the Ottoman rule commencing with the earliest known letter recorded from Jerusalem to the latest recorded letter. It also includes several unique letters and postcards within the Holy Land. We are planning to publish the last book in the trilogy covering civil post offices in other parts of the Palestine in the very near future.


Filistin'de Osmanli Postalari 1840-1918 Cilt 1 Kudus / Ottoman Post in Palestine 1840-1918 volume 1 Jerusalem Filistin'de Osmanli Postalari 1840-1918 Cilt 1 Kudus / Ottoman Post in Palestine 1840-1918 volume 1 Jerusalem 9789758813117 Filistin'de Osmanli Postalari 1840-1918 Cilt 1 Kudus / Ottoman Post in Palestine 1840-1918 volume 1 Jerusalem