From Istanbul To Haifa - The Aliyah of Yaakov Krudo and His Friends- March 1949

79,00 TL + %0
ISBN-ISSN: 9786258472998
Category: History
146 pp, pb, in Turkish.

This book is the story of a group of young Turkish Jews who in March 1949 illegally immigrated to the new born State of Israel. The book includes the Hebrew translation of the Turkish diary that was written during the journey  by one of the youngsters, Yaakov Krudo, its English translation and a number of documents concerning Zionist activities in Istanbul and Izmir in 1948-1949 among young Turkish Jews. It also includes the observations and impressions of Victor Eliachar, the first consul appointed to the newly opened Israeli Consulate in Istanbul in March 1949.  
From Istanbul To Haifa - The Aliyah of Yaakov Krudo and His Friends- March 1949 From Istanbul To Haifa - The Aliyah of Yaakov Krudo and His Friends- March 1949 9786258472998 From Istanbul To Haifa - The Aliyah of Yaakov Krudo and His Friends- March 1949