Harbors and Harbor Cities in the Eastern Mediterranean (Band 1) - BYZAS 19

Recent Discoveries and Current Approaches
59,00 TL + %0

Only Band 1

508 pp, color and b/w figures, pb, articles in English and German.


  • Vorwort / S. Ladstätter – F. Pirson – Th. Schmidts
  • Einführung / S. Ladstätter – F. Pirson – Th. Schmidts

Geschichte und Perspektiven der Forschung
History of Research and Perspectives

  • Julia Daum – Nicola Daumann – Sarah Wolfmayr / Karl Lehmann-Hartleben und die Erforschung antiker Häfen
  • Hannah Baader – Gerhard Wolf / Ästhetiken der Schwelle. Sieben Aspekte der Morphologie und Topologie von Hafenstädten im nachantiken Mittelmeerraum 

Neue Forschungen und Entdeckungen: Die Levante und Ägypten
New Research and Discoveries: The Levant and Egypt

  • Christopher J. Brandon / The Herodian Harbour of Caesarea Maritima. Recent Research and Related Studies
  • Franck Goddio – David Fabre / Heracleion-Thonis and Alexandria, Emporia of Egypt. New Researches and Recent Discoveries 
  • Marianne Bergmann – Michael Heinzelmann / Schedia – Zollstation und Flusshafen Alexandrias am Kanopischen Nil 
  • Stefano De Luca – Anna Lena / The Harbor of the City of Magdala/Taricheae on the Shores of the Sea of Galilee, from the Hellenistic to the Byzantine Times. New Discoveries and Preliminary Results 
  • Eva Grossmann / The Harbours of Tel Michal and Apollonia 1750 B.C.–A.D. 1265

Neue Forschungen und Entdeckungen: Türkei, Südküste
New Research and Discoveries: Turkey, South Coast

  • Hatice Pamir / Recent Researches and New Discoveries in the Harbours of Seleucia Pieria
  • K. Levent Zoroğlu / Kelenderis’in Limanları ve Çapalama Yerleri 
  • Nevzat Çevik – Süleyman Bulut – Çakır Afşin Aygün / Myra’nın Limanı Andriake 
  • T. Mikail P. Duggan – Çakır Afşin Aygün / The Medieval and Later Port of Myra/Stamira – Taşdibi 
  • Havva Işkan – Mustafa Koçak, mit Beiträgen von Harun Özdaş, Nilhan Kızıldağ, Pascal Brengel, Frederik Berger / Der Hafen von Patara. Altes Wissen, neue Forschungen 

Neue Forschungen und Entdeckungen: Türkei, Westküste
New Research and Discoveries: Turkey, West Coast

  • Hayat Erkanal / Klazomenai/Liman Tepe’nin Limanları
  • Akın Ersoy / Smyrna: Yeni Keşfedilen Kamu Yapıları ve Alanlar (2007–2010) Çerçevesinde Bir Değerlendirme 
  • Martin Steskal / Ephesos and its Harbors: A City in Search of its Place
  • Felix Pirson / Elaia, der (maritime) Satellit Pergamons 
  • Winfried Held / Häfen der Rhodischen Peraia 

Neue Forschungen und Entdeckungen: Türkei, Marmarameer
New Research and Discoveries: Turkey, Marmara Sea 

  • Rahmi Asal – Zeynep Kızıltan / M.Ö. 7 – M.S. 12. Yüzyıllar Theodosius Limanı’nın 1900 Yılı 
  • Şehrazat Karagöz / Marmaray Kazıları ve Antik Liman Khrysopolis Limanı
  • Reyhan Körpe – Mehmet Fatih Yavuz / Eski Çağlarda Gelibolu Yarımadası’nın Limanları
  • Şengül Aydıngün – Haldun Aydıngün – Hakan Öniz / Küçükçekmece Lake’s Basin Antique Harbours

Neue Forschungen und Entdeckungen: Griechenland – New Research and Discoveries: Greece 

  • Kalliopi Baika / Ancient Harbour Cities – New Methodological Perspectives and Recent Research in Greece 
  • Theotokis Theodoulou / Recording the Harbour Network of Ancient Lesbo
Harbors and Harbor Cities in the Eastern Mediterranean (Band 1) - BYZAS 19 Harbors and Harbor Cities in the Eastern Mediterranean (Band 1) - BYZAS 19 9786054701612 Harbors and Harbor Cities in the Eastern Mediterranean (Band 1) - BYZAS  19