International Symposium on Sinope and the Black Sea Archaeology. 'Ancient Sinope and the Black Sea'. Proceedings Book

ISBN-ISSN: 9786058802483

206 pp, pb, b/w figures, Turkish and English articles, abstracts.



History of Sinope - Excavations and Surveys

  • Emzar KAKHIDZE / Sinope and Eastern Black Sea Arca in the Classical, Hellenistic and Roman Periods
  • Nikolay FEDOSEEV / History of Sinope and the Ceramic Stamps
  • Davut YİĞİTPAŞA & Osman ÖZTÜRK / Demir Çağı’nda Sinop: Kazılar ve Yüzey Araştırmaları Işığında Genel Bir Bakış
  • Serkan DEMİREL / Some Observations About the Problem of Late Bronze Age in the Settlements of Sinop Region

Cult and Religion

  • Eleni MENTESIDOU / Cultural and Religious Interactions in the Black Sea: The Cult of the Mother of the Gods or Kvbele in Sinope

Trade, Cultural Connections and Social Life

  • Totko STOYANOV & Kalin MADZHAROV / New Evidence about the Sinopean Amphora Import in North Eastern Thrace
  • Andre OPAIT & Dan DAVIS & Meko KOFAHL / The Sinop F Shipwreck in the Black Sea: An International Cargo From Late Antiquity
  • Kakhaber KAMADADZE / Trading and Economic Relations between South-Western Georgia and Sinope in the Roman Period

Necropoleis and Burial Customs

  • Feray KORUCU-YAĞlZ / Sinop Balatlar Kilisesi Yapı Topluluğu Kazısı: Osmanlı Dönemi Gayrimüslimlerin (Ortodoks-Hıristiyan) Ölü Gömme Törenleri ve Biçimlerine Genel Bakış


  • Özden ORMANCI ÖZTÜRK & Sedat KURUGÖNÜL & Burcu KIRMIZI & Gülgun KÖROĞLU & Meriç BAKİLER / Characterization of Ancient Mortars from Sinop Balatlar Building Complex

Bronze, Glass and Textile

  • Ceyhun BERKOL / Sinop Kılıçlı Vadisi Kazısından Elde Edilen Dokuma Kumaş Buluntuları
  • Athanasios SIDERIS / An Archaic Hydria in Sinope

Pottery and Terracotta

  • Pınar ÇAĞNİS / Marmaray Tüp Geçit Kazıları Sirkeci İstasyonunda Ele Geçen Sinope Amphora Mühürleri
  • Eda GÜNGÖR ALPER / Sinop Balatlar Yapı Topluluğu 2010-2013 Yılları Arasında Bulunan Pişmiş Toprak Kandiller
  • Hazar KABA / Re-thinking the Plakettenvasen from Sinope: New Perspectives on the Dating, Meaning and Use of an Extraordinary Ceramic Ware
  • Daniela STOYANOVA & Margant DAMYANOV / The Palmette Antefixes in the Black Sea Area. New Evidence from Apollonia Pontica
International Symposium on Sinope and the Black Sea Archaeology. 'Ancient Sinope and the Black Sea'. Proceedings Book International Symposium on Sinope and the Black Sea Archaeology. 'Ancient Sinope and the Black Sea'. Proceedings Book 9786058802483 International Symposium on Sinope and the Black Sea Archaeology. 'Ancient Sinope and the Black Sea'. Proceedings Book