Kairo in der zweiten Halfte des 17. Jahrhunderts. Beschrieben von Evliya Celebi

30,00 TL + %0
ISBN-ISSN: 9757172359
Category: Ottoman Studies

The delightful traveler of the 17th century, Evliya Chelebi, left a 10 volume travel book telling about mainly the Ottoman land, which is a treasure for scholars from various disciplines. The section on Cairo in the 10th volume (from 21st through 48th chapters) is for the first time translated into a western language (German). The text is supplemented with a detailed index on personal names, place and monument names, special terms and titles, and a bibliography.

395 pp., pb, in German.

Kairo in der zweiten Halfte des 17. Jahrhunderts. Beschrieben von Evliya Celebi Kairo in der zweiten Halfte des 17. Jahrhunderts. Beschrieben von Evliya Celebi 9757172359 Kairo in der zweiten Halfte des 17. Jahrhunderts. Beschrieben von Evliya Celebi