292 p, color and b/w figures, plans, maps, articles inJapanese + English summary.
Omura, Sachihiro / A Preliminary Report on the Tenth Excavation at Kaman-Kalehoyuk (1995)
Omura, Sachihiro / A Preliminary Report on the Archaeological Survey in Central Anatolia (1995)
Dean, J. Claire / Archaeological Conservation in the Field : A Field School for Archaeologists
Yamashita, Mamoru / Near Eastern Fibulae from Kaman-Kalehoyuk
Matsumura, Kimiyoshi / The Historical Setting of the IId Ceramics at Kaman-Kalehoyuk from the Technical Viewpoint
Mizuta, Akira / Attic Black-gloss Wares from Kaman-Kalehoyuk
Toshirou, Naruse / 14C Ages of the Paleo-Konya Lake Deposits in Konya Basin and Its Implications for Paleoclimate
Akanuma, Hideo - Minoru Sasaki / The Steel Manufacturing Method in the Hittite Age through the Metallurgical Analysis of the Iron Objects
Matsunaga, Masaya - Mineko Adachi - Izumi Nakai / Characterization Studies of Potteries and Irons Excavated from Kaman-Kalehoyuk
Misawa, Nobuo / Administrative Structure of Kirsehir in the 15th Century:Provincial Situations include Kaman-Kalehoyuk in the Ottoman Period
Twilley, John / Scientific Analysis of Six Bronze Fibulae from Kaman-Kalehoyuk
Carroll, Scott A. / Conservation of Fragile Materials at Kaman-Kalehoyuk:
Recovery, Treatment, and Storage
Svoboda, Marie E. / The Conservation of Archaeological Iron from Kaman-Kalehoyuk
Tsu, C. Mei-An / Preliminary Technical Examination of Iron Age Ceramics from Kaman-Kalehoyuk
Tsu, C. Mei-An / Materials and Technigues of a Bronze Age Wall Painting Excavated at Kaman-Kalehoyuk
Roth, Kendra E. / An Investigation into the Consolidation of Mudbrik Loom Weights from Kaman-Kalehoyuk
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