Keban Projesi 1968 Yaz Calismalari / Keban Project 1968 Summer Work
Keban Projesi 1968 Yaz Calismalari / Keban Project 1968 Summer Work

Keban Projesi 1968 Yaz Calismalari / Keban Project 1968 Summer Work

ISBN-ISSN: 32002
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Set of 2 volumes, gently used second hand.

Volume 1 text, 190 pp, hb, articles in Turkish and English/German.

Volume 2 Illustrations


Keban Projesi 1968 Yaz Calismalari / Keban Project 1968 Summer Work Keban Projesi 1968 Yaz Calismalari / Keban Project 1968 Summer Work 32002 Keban Projesi 1968 Yaz Calismalari / Keban Project 1968 Summer Work