Kıyafetu'l - Insaniyye fi Sema'ili'l - 'Osmaniyye / Human Physiognomy or the Features of the Ottoman
Kıyafetu'l - Insaniyye fi Sema'ili'l - 'Osmaniyye / Human Physiognomy or the Features of the Ottoman

Kıyafetu'l - Insaniyye fi Sema'ili'l - 'Osmaniyye / Human Physiognomy or the Features of the Ottoman

ISBN-ISSN: 9756926015-1
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287 pp, color figures, hb, multilingual, in Turkish / Ottoman / English.

Kıyafetu'l - Insaniyye fi Sema'ili'l - 'Osmaniyye / Human Physiognomy or the Features of the Ottoman Kıyafetu'l - Insaniyye fi Sema'ili'l - 'Osmaniyye / Human Physiognomy or the Features of the Ottoman 9756926015-1 Kıyafetu'l - Insaniyye fi Sema'ili'l - 'Osmaniyye / Human Physiognomy or the Features of the Ottoman