La Première Histoire de France en Turc Ottoman, Chroniques des Padichahs de France 1572
La Première Histoire de France en Turc Ottoman, Chroniques des Padichahs de France 1572

La Première Histoire de France en Turc Ottoman, Chroniques des Padichahs de France 1572

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ISBN-ISSN: 2738455352
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Varia Turcica XXX

LXXX + 215 pp with 147 b/w illustrations, pb, in French.

Translated and published under the direction of Jean-Louis Bacque-Grammont (CNRS). Institut français d'etudes anatoliennes d'Istanbul (IFEA).

La Bibliotheque du Land de Saxe at Dresde has a unique manuscript of Histoire des padichahs de France that was translated from French sources into Turkish in 1572 on the order of the Ottoman administrator and historian Feridun Beg. The work starts with introductory articles on Feridun Beg, Le Jardin de Lys, author of the translation, chronique itself and covers the reigns of 61 French kings from Faramond to Charles IX. Each king is presented first biographically; the transliteration of the Turkish text and its translation into French follow and sources are given. After all the French kings, the sources used for the original text are given. 

La Première Histoire de France en Turc Ottoman, Chroniques des Padichahs de France 1572 La Première Histoire de France en Turc Ottoman, Chroniques des Padichahs de France 1572 2738455352 La Première Histoire de France en Turc Ottoman, Chroniques des Padichahs de France 1572