Light on Top of the Black Hill

Studies Presented to Halet Çambel
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ISBN-ISSN: 9789758070206
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80 articles in English, Turkish, German, French or Italian.

844 pp, b/w or colour illustrations, hb with dust jacket.


  • Various Publications of Halet CAMBEL / Prof. Dr. Halet CAMBEL'e Ait Cesitli Yayinlar
  • AKMAN, Murat - Martina Sicker AKMAN / Ein Haus in Ayaspasa
  • AKSOY, Behin / A Brief Survey of the Halaf Culture
  • AKURGAL, Ekrem / Classification and Chronology of the Hattian and Hittite Periods in Anatolian History (2500–1100 B.C.)
  • ALBEK, Aziz / Dr. Halet Cambel ile “Frigya Yuksekyaylasi'nda”
  • AMIRAN, Ruth / The Spouted-Jug of the EB I Period
  • AREL, Ayda / The So-Called "Mustafa Pasa Tower" on the Bodrum-Halicarnassos Peninsula
  • GUNAY, Duygu Arisan / Istanbul Arkeoloji Muzeleri Arsivinden Schliemann’ın Bir Mektubu
  • ARSEBUK, Güven / A Review of the Current Status of Pleistocene Archaeology in Turkey
  • ARTUNKAL, Fatma / Aurora
  • ATABAY, Sara / Bazı Anılar
  • BALKAN-ATLI, Nur / The Aceramic Neolithic of Central Anatolia: Recent Finds in the Chipped Stone Industry
  • BASGELEN, Nezih / The Celikli-Erzurum Rock-Cut Tomb
  • BAYDUR, Nezahat / Attis Kultu ve Tarsus’da Bulunmus Attis Terrakottalari
  • BAYKAL-SEEHER, Ayse - Jurgen SEEHER/ Gefasse aus Blei in der Fruhen Bronzezeit Anatoliens
  • BAYKAN, Sema / Une Approche a la Typologie Lithique de Kumartepe; Un Site Neolithique sur l’Euphrate Turc
  • BICAKCI, Erhan / An Essay on the Chronology of the Pre-pottery Neolithic Settlements of the East-Taurus Region (Turkey) with the Building Remains and the 14 C Dates
  • BOEHMER, Rainer Michael / Eines karumzeitlicher Stempel und ein Siegelring der Isin II-Zeit in Koln
  • BORCHHARDT, Jurgen / Gedanken zur lykischen Gesellschaftsstruktur unter persischer und attischer Herrschaft
  • BORRELLI, Licia Vlad / Homo faber
  • BOSSERT, Eva-Maria - Franz FISCHER / Calapverdi, Beobachtungen anlasslich eines Besuchs im Jahre 1960
  • BRAIDWOOD, Robert J. - Linda S. BRAIDWOOD / A Highly Successful Collegiality
  • MORALES, Vivian Broman / Clues from Clay
  • CANEVA, Isabella - C. LEMORINI - D. ZAMPETTI / Chipped Stones at Aceramic Cayonu: Technology, Activities, Traditions, Innovations
  • CAUVIN, Jacques / La Neolithisation de L’Anatolie
  • CAUVIN, Marie-Claire / L’Anatolie, Terre d’Echanges: L’Obsidienne Prehistorique et sa Diffusion
  • CIG, Muazzez I. / Civiyazili Belgeler Arsivi’nin Kurulus Anilari
  • CILINGIROGLU, Altan / Urartu’da Tapinma ve Tapinma Yerleri
  • DARGA, A. Muhibbe / Gec-Hitit Donemi Maras Mezar Stellerinden Uc Ornek ve Gozlemler
  • DAVIS, Michael K. / Social Differentiation at the Early Village of Cayonu, Turkey
  • DURU, Refik / Bademagacı Hoyugu’nun (Kizilkaya) Ilk Tunc Cagi Comlekciligi ve Carkisi Iki Masrapa Hakkinda Bazi Dusunceler
  • DURUGONUL, Serra / Neue Reliefs aus dem Rauhen Kilikien
  • EFE, Turan / Cayonu Kemik Aletleri (Genel Bir Degerlendirme)
  • EGELI, H. Gonul / Die sogenannten Gefassstander der Karaz-Kultur: Die Funde aus Tepecik
  • ERINC, Sirri / Van Gölü Seviyesi ve Seküler İklim Değişiklikleri
  • ERTUG, Füsun / Orta Anadolu’da Bir Etnoarkeoloji ve Etnobotanik Çalışması
  • ESIN, Ufuk / Einige Hinweise zur Entstehung der frühbronzezeitlichen Fürstentümer in Anatolien
  • FOL, Alexander / Controversial Notes
  • GULCUR, Sevil / Vom Gott zum Spielzeug: Die Tierfiguren von Tepecik
  • GUTERBOCK, Hans G. / A Visit to Karatepe
  • GUVENÇ, Bozkurt / Öğretmenim Halet Çambel
  • HACHMANN, Rolf / Die Gräber der Könige aus dem Hause David in Jerusalem und ihr Totenritual
  • OZKAN, Ayse Haznedar / Yontma Tas Alet Cizimi Icin Notlar
  • HOWE, Bruce / Bozova Degirmen Tepe: A Late Acheulean Surface Site
  • HROUDA, Barthel / Survey in der Umgebung von Sirkeli Hoyuk, 1994
  • ISIK, Fahri / Ein phrygisch-ionischer Torso der Muttergottin in Alanya
  • INAN, Jale / Spes Heykeli (Arkaistik)
  • JOHANSEN, Ulla / Zur Ethno-Archaologie der Teergewinnung in Anatolien
  • KLEISS, Wolfram / Schwalbenschwanz und Klammer in der iranischen Architektur
  • KORFMANN, Manfred / Stelen vor den Toren Troias: Apaliunas-Apollon in Truisa/Wilusa?
  • KURDAS, Kemal / Orta Dogu Teknik Universitesi ve Arkeoloji
  • MELLINK, Machteld J. / Bilinguals and the Alphabet in Cilicia, Tabal and Phrygia
  • MUNCHAEV, Rauf M. - N. Ya. MERPERT / Tell Hazna I – The Most Ancient Cult Centre in North-East Syria
  • NEVE, Peter / Restaurierungen in Bogazkoy-Hattusa
  • OTTO-DORN, Katharina / Das Drachenrelief vom Talismantor in Baghdad
  • OZIL, Revza / The Conservation of the Dome Mosaics of Hagia Sophia
  • OZBASARAN, Mihriban / The Heart of a House: The Hearth – Asikli Hoyuk, a Pre-pottery Neolithic Site in Central Anatolia
  • OZBEK, Metin / Human Skeletal Remains From Asikli, A Neolithic Village Near Aksaray, Turkey
  • OZDOGAN, Mehmet - Asli OZDOGAN / Buildings of Cult and the Cult of Buildings
  • OZGEN, Ilknur / Survey and Preliminary Excavations at Hacimusalar (Ancient Choma) Near Elmali in Northern Lycia
  • OZGUC, Nimet / Kanis Karum’unda Bulunmus Olan Eski Assur Uslubunda Iki Silindir Mühür
  • OZGUC, Tahsin / Kululu’da Yeni Bulunmus Bir Sfenks Basi ve Yazit Parcasi
  • OZSAIT, Mehmet - Nesrin OZSAIT / Kecili - Yaniktas Kaya Kabartmalari
  • OZYAR, Aslı / The Use and Abuse of Re-use at Karkamish
  • POWELL, Josephine / The Persistence of Certain Designs in Anatolian Nomad Storage Sacs
  • REDMAN, Charles / Sources of Power in the Past: Platform Mounds in Central Arizona
  • RIDER, Georges le / Le Debut du Monnayage Achemenide: Continuation ou Innovation?
  • ROLLIG, Wolfgang / Sinn und Form Formaler Aufbau und literarische Struktur der Karatepe-Inschrift
  • SCHMIDT, Klaus / Fruhneolithische Silexdolche
  • SCHNUCHEL, Werner (in Zusammenarbeit mit Wulf SCHIRMER) / Beobachtungen an Kirchenbauten in der Provinz Diyarbakir
  • SCHONHAGEN, Renate / Ein Gruss... Bilder aus der Ebene von Ergani (1980)
  • SEVIN, Veli / Van - Karagunduz Kazilarinin Isiginda Dogu Anadolu Gec Demir Cag Canak Comlegi
  • SPYCKET, Agnés / En Visite a Karatepe
  • STECH, Tamara / Thoughts on Ancient Craft and Craftsmanship in Southwest Asia
  • STEWART, Robert B. / Lotus and Lotus–Eaters
  • TANINDI, Oguz / “Bilgisayar Destekli Arkeoloji”: Arkeolojik Kazi Projeleri Icin Otomasyon Modeli - 2: Kazi Sirasindaki Calismalar
  • TÜRKMENOGLU, Asuman G. - Emine N. Caner SALTIK / Karatepe Bazaltlarinin Bozusma Sorunlari ve Koruma Yollari
  • WATSON, Patty Jo / The Prehistoric Project, 1968 and 1970: A Familial Memoir
  • WOOD, Andree R. / Revisited: Blood Residue Investigations at Cayonu, Turkey
  • WRIGHT, Henry E. Jr. / Origin of the Climate and Vegatation in the Mediterranean Area
  • WRIGHT, Henry T. - Robert WHALLON / Investigations at Fatmalı Kalecik: A Chalcolithic Hamlet in the Upper Euphrates Valley
  • YAKAR, Jak / Were the EBA Inhabitants of Karatas-Semayuk Semi-Sedentary? –An Ethnoarchaeological View–
  • YEGINGIL, Zehra - Giulio BIGAZZI, - Gerard POUPEAU - Ludovic Bellot-GURLET / Provenance Studies of Obsidian Artefacts in Anatolia: The Contribution of the
  • Fission Track Analyses
Light on Top of the Black Hill Light on Top of the Black Hill 9789758070206 Light on Top of the Black Hill