Marc Waelkens His Studies and Publications

26,00 TL + %0
ISBN-ISSN: 9786053965213

160 pp, b/w and color figures, pb, in English.

  • Sagalassos Excavations as the Benchmark for Contemporary Archaeology - Mehmet ÖZDOĞAN - Nezih BAŞGELEN
  •  His Life: Youth, Education, Research Career at The U. Ghent (1970-1986), Academic Carreer at The Kuleuven and Sagalassos
  • A. Curriculum Vitae Marc Waelkens List of Publications: Articles in journals IT. Articles in International Peer Reviewed Journals (With their Respective Rankings Indicated)
  • Articles in not Peer Reviewed Journals, Books as Author, Books as Editor, Articles In Books, etc.
  • B. Past Doctoral Research of Which Prof. Waelkens Was (co)promotor
  • C. Contribution to the Development of the Discipline
  • D. Leading the establishment of the Sagalassos Foundation
  • E. Photographs
Marc Waelkens His Studies and Publications Marc Waelkens His Studies and Publications 9786053965213 Marc Waelkens His Studies and Publications