Memory and Scale 15 Artists of Modern Turkish Sculpture
Memory and Scale 15 Artists of Modern Turkish Sculpture

Memory and Scale 15 Artists of Modern Turkish Sculpture

ISBN-ISSN: 9789756167106
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313 pp, color figures, pb, in Turkish-English bilingual.

Memory and Scale endeavors to provide an historical perspective of modern Turkish sculpture and determine where it stands today by going beyond a sculptural work's creative manipulation of volume, space and form to reach the world and concepts that have produced it. It is primarily an attempt at cataloguing and identifying the sculptural idioms developed since 1950, from the early period of abstract-constructivism to the dominance of design over sculptural form, from the opposition in local and universal aspects to the diversity in the choice of materials, and from open air sculpture pieces to the concept of scale, essential to indoor installations.

Memory and Scale 15 Artists of Modern Turkish Sculpture Memory and Scale 15 Artists of Modern Turkish Sculpture 9789756167106 Memory and Scale 15 Artists of Modern Turkish Sculpture