Merging Techniques and Cultures Technological Approaches in Archaeology
Merging Techniques and Cultures Technological Approaches in Archaeology

Merging Techniques and Cultures Technological Approaches in Archaeology

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ISBN-ISSN: 9782362450716
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This edition of the Sixth IFEA Archaeological Meeting presents a compilation of texts dedicated to technological approaches in material studies. The central subject of this book is to show some of the diversity of researches in this field, paying particular attention to Anthropology of techniques, methodology, and development of technological processes’ studies in Turkey. Technological choices, cultural implications and environmental or technical determinism in the development of technological processes are also discussed throughout the different articles.

We conceived this book as an educational support for students and researchers eager to discover the Anthropology of techniques and its related research methodologies. While delivering specific examples from lithic, rock cutting, ornaments making and pottery studies, a specific care is given to the bibliographical references, some of them available in the IFÉA’s library, to help the reader develop his knowledge and accompany him further in his research.

116 pp, pb, articles in English and French.

  • Introduction / Martin Godon 
  • Martin Godon / In the Maze of Ceramic Studies: How to Address Archaeological Productions? 
  • Orlene McIlfatrick - Jennifer Ross / Portable X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis of Middle and Late Iron Age Pottery Paint Pigments from Çadır Höyük, Yozgat Province, Central Anatolia
  • Denis Guilbeau / The Organisation of the Aegean first Farming Communities Through the Technological Study of the Chipped Stones. The Example of Uğurlu-Zeytinlik (Gökçeada Island, Turkey)
  • Jean-Claude Bessac / La Taille Rupestre en Asie Mineure Antique : Ébauche d’un Classement du Difficultes Techniques dans les Roches Sedimentaires
  • Anaïs Lamesa / Rock-Cut Tombs and Churches in Cappadocia During the Roman and Byzantine Periods. The Analaysis of Chaines Operatoires to Understand the Economy and Sociology of the Building Sites 
  • Emma L. Baysal / Chalcolithic Personal Ornaments: Transformative Technologies, Speciliazition and Long Distance Contacs

  • Martin Godon / Bibliographic Digression Among IFEA’S Library References
  • Martin Godon / Short Multilingual Vocabulary
Merging Techniques and Cultures Technological Approaches in Archaeology Merging Techniques and Cultures Technological Approaches in Archaeology 9782362450716 Merging Techniques and Cultures Technological Approaches in Archaeology