Serial VII - No. 129
537 pp. + map, pb, in English.
Biographieal Note .
Note on the Turkish Alphabet and Names
Glossary of the frequently used Turkish words
List of abbreviations
Chapter I. Zenith of the Ottoman Empire (1280-1566)
Historieal Background
The conquest of Constantinople
Ottoman society and administration
The Greek Community
The AImenian Community
The Jewish Comm unity
Chapter 2. Period of Decline (1566-1789
Causes of decline
Political and military developments
Reforms in the Empire
The Greek Comm uni ty
Cu/tura/ development of the Orthodox
Economic advancement
The Phanariot (Fener/i
Intngues within the Greek Orthodox Church
Illiteraey and corruption among the Greek clergy
Ethelodu/ia (vo/untary sltıvery)
The missionaries
The prougi system
Riva/ry and conflict among the Christian Churches
The intngues of Greeks with foreign powers
The AImenian Community
The Jewish Community
Chapter 3. The Era of Reforms (1789- 1876)
The Background
The Tanzimat Reforms
The genesis of the `Eastem Question`
The Greek Community
Be/are the Greek rebellion
The ejJects of the Frenc/ı Revolution
The Greek
The aftermat/ı of the Greek rehellion
Missiananes, the Crimean War, and the Greeks "
The A rmenian Community
The Jewish Community
Chapter 4-. Minorities during the reign of Abdülhamit II and the Young
Turks 1876- 1914-)
The Background
The reign of Abdülhamit II
The Young Turk Revolution
The aftermath of the Young Turk Revolution
The Greek Comm unity
The Armenian Community
The Jewish Community
Chapter 5. The Destmction of the Attornan Empire (1914-1923)
The Great War and its aftermath
The Greeks
The Armenians
The Jews
Map 1 The rise of the Attornan Empire, i 280- i 683
Map 2 The decline of the Attornan Empire, 1683-1918
Map 3 Turkey according to the abortive Treaty of Sevres of Lo August 1920