Complete set of color charts, in English.
2009 Year Revised - 2021 Production
The Munsell Soil Color Charts are used to provide consistent and reliable classification of soils based on color so the information can be recorded and communicated accurately. Pages are water resistant to hold up in the field under damp or wet conditions.
Munsell 10R Soil Chart
Munsell 10YR Soil Chart
Munsell 2.5Y Soil Chart
Munsell 2.5YR Soil Chart
Munsell 5Y Soil Chart
Munsell 5YR Soil Chart
Munsell 7.5YR Soil Chart
10Y – 5GY Colors – Olive greens Soil Chart
Gley 1 & 2 Soil Charts (2 – Separate Soil Charts)
Munsell 5R Individual Soil Chart
Munsell 7.5R Individual Soil Chart
“New” White Page, 7.5R, 10YR, & 2.5Y