Neolithic and Copper Age Between the Carpathians and the Aegean Sea
Neolithic and Copper Age Between the Carpathians and the Aegean Sea

Neolithic and Copper Age Between the Carpathians and the Aegean Sea

ISBN-ISSN: 9783774939721
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Archäologie in Eurasien Band 31 

Chronologies and technologies from the 6th to the 4th Millennium BCE : International Workshop Budapest 2012
Edited by Svend Hansen, Pál Raczky, Alexandra Anders and Agathe Reingruber

x + 510 pp, color and b&w figures, hb, articles in English.

  • Sven Brummack / New Radiocarbon Dates from Eastern Slovakia. The Cases of Male Raskovce and Barca Baloty 
  • Pal Raczky, Alexandra Anders, Katalin Sebok, Peter Csippan, Zsuzsanna Toth / The Times of Polgar-Csoszhalom. Chronologies of Human Activities in a Late Neolithic Settlement in Northeastern Hungary 
  • Norbert Farago / Space-time Characteristics of the Chipped Stone Industry at the Polgar-Csoszhalom Horizontal Settlement 
  • Zsuzsanna Siklosi, Michael Prange, Nandor Kalicz, Pal Raczky / New Data on the Provenance of Early Copper Finds from the Great Hungarian Plain 
  • Malgorzata Kaczanowska and Janusz K. Koztowski / Raw Materials Circulation, Organization of Production and Lithic Technology in the Neolithic/Early Copper Age Transition 
  • Elisabetta Starnini, GyorgySzakmany, SandorJozsa, Zsolt Kasztovszky,Veronika Szilagyi, Boglarka Maroti, Barbara Voytek, Ferenc Horvath / Lithics from the Tell Site Hodmezovasarhely-Gorzsa (Southeast Hungary): Typology, Technology, Use and Raw Material Strategies during the Late Neolithic (Tisza Culture).
  • Attila Gyucha, Richard W. Yerkes, William A. Parkinson, Apostolos Sarris, Nikos Papadopoulos, Paul R. Duffy, Roderick B. Salisbury / Settlement Nucleation in the Neolithic: A Preliminary Report of the Koros Regional Archaeological Project's Investigations at Szeghalom-Kovacshalom and Veszto-Magor
  • Marcel Buric / Problems of the Late Neolithic Absolute Chronology in Eastern Croatia 
  • Dusan Boric / The End of the Vinca World: Modelling the Neolithic to Copper Age Transition and the Notion of Archaeological Culture 
  • Robert Hofmann / The Bosnian Evidence: The New Late Neolithic and Early Copper Age Chronology and Changing Settlement Patterns 
  • Paolo Biagi / The Middle Neolithic and Chalcolithic Chipped Stone Assemblages of Transylvania: Their Exploitation, Manufacture and Trans-Carpathian Trade 
  • Carsten Mischka / The Iclod Settlement Cluster: Geophysical Survey and Test Excavation 
  • Svend Hansen / Pietrele - A Lakeside Settlement, 5200-4250 BC 
  • Ivan Gatsov and Petranka Nedelcheva / Flint Caches in the Eneolithic Settlement Pietrele-Magura Gorgana, Romania 
  • Agathe Reingruber / Absolute and RelativeChronologies in the LowerDanube Area during the 5th Millennium BC 
  • Gheorghe Lazarovici, Cornelia-Magda Lazarovici, Bogdan Constantinescu / New Data and Analyses on Gold Metallurgy during the Romanian Copper Age
  • Michael Muller / On the Distribution of Different Types of Anthropomorphic Figurines of the Copper Age on the Eastern Balkan Peninsula and in the Lower Danube Valley
  • Vladimir Slavchev / Pottery as a Sourceof Information about Copper Age Burial Customs: Data from Burial in the Varna Cemetery
  • Yavor Boyadzhiev / Tell Yunat site: Development and Absolute Chronology of the Settlements from the Begin­ning of the Chalcolithic to the Early Bronze Age
  • loannis Aslanis / Settlement Patterns in the Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age: The Case of the Prehistoric Settlement of Yunat site, Bulgaria
  • Pascal Darcque, Zoi Tsirtsoni, Haido Koukouli-Chryssanthaki, Dimitra Malamidou / New Insights to the Copper Age Economy and Chronology at the Tell Settlement of Dikili Tash (Northern Greece)
  • John Chapman, Mikhail Videiko, Bisserka Gaydarska, Natalia Burdo, Duncan Hale / Nebelivka: In Search of the History and Meaning of a Trypillia Copper Age Mega-site
  • Blagoje Govedarica and IgorManzura / The CopperAge Settlementof Kartal in Orlovka (Southwest Ukraine)
  • Barbara Horejs and Christoph Schwall / New Light on a Nebulous Period - Western Anatolia in the 4th Millennium BC: Architecture and Settlement Structuresas Cultural Patterns?
  • Bernhard Weninger and Thomas Harper / The Geographic Corridor for Rapid Climate Change in Southeast Europe and Ukraine 
Neolithic and Copper Age Between the Carpathians and the Aegean Sea Neolithic and Copper Age Between the Carpathians and the Aegean Sea 9783774939721 Neolithic and Copper Age Between the Carpathians and the Aegean Sea