Neolithic in Turkey. The Cradle of Civilization. New Discoveries

ISBN-ISSN: 9789756899410

Set of 2 volumes.

1st volume: text, 236 pp. 14 articles in English.

2nd volume: plates, 203 pp, mostly in color


  • BASGELEN, Nezih / Foreword
  • OZDOGAN, Mehmet / Editorial Notes
  • OZDOGAN, Mehmet / Preface
  • ESIN, Ufuk / Introduction - The Neolithic in Turkey: A General Review
  • ROSENBERG, Michael / Hallan Cemi
  • OZDOGAN,  Asli / Cayönü
  • HAUPTMANN, Harald / The Urfa Region
  • CAUVIN, J. - AURENCHE - M.C. CAUVIN - N. BALKAN-ATLI, Nur / The Pre-Pottery Site of Cafer Höyük
  • CANEVA, Isabella / Early Farmes on the Cilician Coast: Yumuktepe in the Seventh Millennium BC
  • ESIN, Ufuk - Harmankaya, S. / Asikli 
  • BALKAN- ATLI, Nur - BINDER, D., CAUVIN, M.C. / Obsidian: Sources, Workshops and Trade in Central Anatolia
  • OZBASARAN, Mihriban / Musular: A General Assessment on a New Neolithic Site in Central Anatolia
  • HODDER, Ian / Renewed Work at Catalhoyuk
  • DURU, Refik / The Neolithic of the Lake District
  • ROODENBERG, Jacob / Ilipinar, An Early Farming Village in the Iznik Lake Basin
  • OZDOGAN, Mehmet / Northwestern Turkey: Neolithic Cultures in Between the Balkans and Anatolia
  • OZDOGAN, Mehmet / Concluding Remarks
Neolithic in Turkey. The Cradle of Civilization. New Discoveries Neolithic in Turkey. The Cradle of Civilization. New Discoveries 9789756899410 Neolithic in Turkey. The Cradle of Civilization. New Discoveries