Olba XX
Olba XX

Olba XX

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ISBN-ISSN: 1301-7667-20
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514 pp, b/w figures, articles in Turkish, English and German


  • Basoglu, Okşan / Nevsehir-Camihoyuk Hellenistik-Roma Donemi Insanlarinin Saglik Sorunlari - Health Problems of the Hellenistic-Roman Period Population in Nevsehir-Camihoyuk
  • Aytaclar, Mehmet Nezih – Candan Kozanli / “Hellespontos Isligi” ve Parion Buluntulari - “Hellespontos Workshop” and the Parion Finds
  • Hasdagli, Ilkan / The Assessment of the 4th Century B.C. Finds from Three Wells Uncovered at Clazomenae HBT (Hamdi Balaban Tarlası) Sector - Klazomenai HBT Sektörü'nde Hamdi Balaban Tarlasi Aciga Çıkartılan Uc Kuyuda Ele Gecen M.O. 4. Yuzyil Buluntularinin Degerlendirilmesi
  • Bagdatli Cam, Fatma / Kyme Nekropolunden Figurlu Bir Mezar Steli - A Figured Grave Stele from the Necropolis of Kyme
  • Kaplan, Deniz / Diokaisareia’daki (Daglik Kilikia) Podyumlu Tapinak Icin Tarihleme ve Kult Onerisi - Suggestions on the Dating and Cult of the Diokaisareia Podium Temple
  • Dinc, Munteha / Tralleis Hamami’ndan Deniz Thiasos’u Tasvirli Kabartmalar - Reliefs of a Marine Thiasos from the Tralleis Bath
  • Basaran, Cevat – H. Ertug Ergurer / Parion Odeion’u (Bouleuterion?) 2010 Calismalari ve Odeion’da Bulunan Seramikler - 2010 Excavations at Parion: the 'Odeion' (Bouleuterion?) and its Ceramic Finds
  • Askin, Ercan / Korykos (Daglik Kilikia) Sutunlu Caddesi ve Kuzey Kapisi - The Colonnaded Street and the North Gate of Korykos (Rough Cilicia)
  • Alkac, Erkan / Korykos (Kilikia) Yuzey Araştırmalarinda Bulunan LR1 Amphoralari - LR1 Amphoras of Korykos (Cilicia) Revealed During Surveys
  • Akyurek Sahin, N. Eda / Bithynia’dan Yeni Zeus Bronton Adakları - Neue Weihungen fur Zeus Bronton aus Bithynien
  • Arslan, Murat / Kucuk Asya Yerel Historiograflarina Bir Ornek: Herakleia Pontike’li Memnon ve Eseri - An Example of Local Asia Minor Historiographers: Memnon of Heraclea Pontica and his Work
  • Aydin, Ayse / Silifke Muzesi’nden Figurlu Bir Duvar Nisi Blogu - A Figured Wall Niche Block from the Silifke Museum
  • Ozyurt Ozcan, Hatice / Mugla, Bodrum ve Milas Arkeoloji Muzeleri’ndeki Orta Bizans
    Donemine Ait Bir Grup Liturjik Islevli Tas Eser - A Group of Liturgical Pieces of the Middle Byzantine Period at the Mugla, Bodrum and Milas Archaeological Museums
  • Diler, Adnan – Hatice Ozyurt Ozcan / Byzantine Period in Kedreai (Sedir Island): Churches - Kedreai’nin Bizans Donemi: Kiliseler
  • Tiryaki, Ayca / Rhodiapolis Piskoposluk Kilisesi’ne Ait Bir Grup Korkuluk Levhasi - A Group of Parapet Slabs from the Rhodiapolis Episcopal Church
Olba XX Olba XX 1301-7667-20 Olba XX