Olive Oil and Wine Production in Aegean and Mediterranean in Antiquity
Olive Oil and Wine Production in Aegean and Mediterranean in Antiquity

Olive Oil and Wine Production in Aegean and Mediterranean in Antiquity

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ISBN-ISSN: 9786256925670
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415 pp, pb, b/w - color figures, in English - Turkish articles and summaries.


Olive Oil and Wine Production in the Aegean and Mediterranean in Antiquity: A General Evaluation of the Symposium
A. Kaan Şenol

First Data on Olive Oil and Wine Production in the Leleg Peninsula of Caria: Adaptation, Transformation, and Abandonment
Adnan Diler

Orta ve Geç Tunç Çağlarında Anadolu Platosunda Zeytin, Zeytinyağı, Üzüm ve Şarabın Yeri
Ahmet Ünal

The Story of Grape and Wine in Mountainous Eastern Anatolian Cultures from the Beginning to the End of the Urartian Kingdom
Mehmet Işıklı-Alper Aslan

The Route and Consumption of Wine and Olive Oil in the Early Bronze Age: A New Perspective Through Organic Residue Analysis from Eskişehir Küllüoba
Murat Türkteki-İsmail Tarhan-Michele Massa-Sinem Türkteki-Yusuf Tuna

Pollen Cores as Evidence for Olive Cultivation in Ancient Anatolia
Hugh Elton

The Archaeology of Wine and Olive Oil: Problems of Identification
Sophocles Hadjisavvas

Tlos Antik Kenti'nde Zeytinyağı ve Şarap Üretimi ve Ticareti
Bilsen Ş. Özdemir-Çilem Uygun-Taner Korkut

Olive Oil and Wine Production in Roman Non-Agricultural Economy Models: The Case of Lykos Valley
Barış Yener-Şeniz Yener

Amos'ta Şarap ve Zeytinyağı Üretimi
Mehmet Gürbüzer

Güzelhisar Vadisi'nde Tarımsal Üretime Dair İlk Gözlemler
Özgün Öz-Emre Erdan

Arkeoloji ve Etnoarkeolojik Veriler Işığında Sacır Suyu Vadisi'nde Zeytinyağı ve Şarap Üretimi
Timur Demir-Makbule Ekici-Bulut

Yunan ve Roma Çağları'nda Troas'da Bağcılık ve Şarap Üretimi
Nilden Ergün-Nurettin Arslan

Eskiçağda Propontis Çevresinde Zeytinyağı ve Şarap Üretimi ve Tüketicilere Ulaşılmasına İlişkin Veriler
Mustafa Hamdi Sayar

Kuzey Pisidia Kırsalında Zeytinyağı ve Şarap Üretimi
Fikret Özcan-Münevver Ş. Gündoğan

Custom Houses in the Ancient City of Adada: Trade and the Role of Local Elites
Ahmet Mörel

"Buy Sagalassian" – The Production and Export of Wine at Sagalassos in Late Antiquity
Peter Talloen-Ralf Vandam

An Olive Oil Production Center in Rough Cilicia: Aşağıdünya
Ümit Aydınoğlu-Okan Özdemir

A Rural Settlement in Tarsus Hinterland:
Kümbet Deniz Kaplan-Şener Yıldırım

East Plain Cilicia – Upper Plain Olive Oil Presses and Wineries
Füsun Tülek

Perre Şarap İşlikleri
Kahraman Yağız

In Defense of the Reputation of Wine in Late Antiquity
Yehoshua (Eshu) Dray

Athenian Olive Oil Production and a Classical Oil Mill in the Athenian Kerameikos
Jutta Stroszeck

Moving Oil and Wine to Customers: Ethnoarchaeological Data
Gloria London

"My Father is the Vine-grower": Church, Monastic, and Ecclesiastical Involvement in Olive Oil and Wine Production and Trade in the Late Antique Mediterranean Tamara Lewit

Beyond Local Sustenance: Ecclesiastical Complexes in Late Antique Cyprus and Southern Anatolia Catherine
T. Keane

The Reflection of the Fruit of the Everlasting Tree on Works of Art
Ayşe Aydın

Understanding the Significance of Late Antique Wine and Olive Oil Trade Routes for Tarsus: In the Light of the Amphorae of the Roman Bath and the Olive Market
Işık Adak-Adibelli-Erkan Alkaç

Results of a Study on the Stamping Tradition of the Late Antique Period Amphorae from the Eastern Mediterranean
Ülkü Kara

A Group of Zemer-41 Amphoras from the Andriake Wine Workshops
Beste Tomay

Olive Oil and Wine Production in Aegean and Mediterranean in Antiquity Olive Oil and Wine Production in Aegean and Mediterranean in Antiquity 9786256925670 Olive Oil and Wine Production in Aegean and Mediterranean in Antiquity