Ortacagda Aktobe / Aktobe in The Medieval Ages / Orta gasırdagı Aktobe
Ortacagda Aktobe / Aktobe in The Medieval Ages / Orta gasırdagı Aktobe

Ortacagda Aktobe / Aktobe in The Medieval Ages / Orta gasırdagı Aktobe

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ISBN-ISSN: 9751617022
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Category: Turcology

Turk Tarih Kurumu Yayinlari Series XXVIII - Number 2

Turks, who were born and brought up in this vast geographical environment, have contributed to the development of civilization both physically and morally. Archaeological remains going back to the Neolithic period are proofs for the strong roots of the Turkish culture, and the finds uncovered by the archaeological expertise of the 20th century, are the material evidences to this. In the lands of Central Asia, every day new finds are recovered from the Stone age, Bronze age, Iron age and from the Medieval period. These finds, are only some remains of what our ancestors produced with hardwork, intelligence and good reasoning, however they provide information for the history of the old Turkic people.

The Kazakh people have erected sanjak in the center of Central Asia have made this boundless country their homeland, have adopted the black tent of the Turkish world, and kept it alive by passing it from generation to generation. Right here on the land of Kazakhstan, there are the material remains from all periods that mankind has lived. Especially during the last few years, these remains have been thoroughly investigated. As the result of these investigations, archaeologists have recovered an ample treasury of information, which is getting more valuable each year. The archaeological finds, that were uncovered, will provide an opportunity to learn, the history of not only the Kazakhs but also the Turks all over the world, more in depth.

160 pp, color figures, hb, multilingual, Turkish/English/Kazakish.

Ortacagda Aktobe / Aktobe in The Medieval Ages / Orta gasırdagı Aktobe Ortacagda Aktobe / Aktobe in The Medieval Ages / Orta gasırdagı Aktobe 9751617022 Ortacagda Aktobe / Aktobe in The Medieval Ages / Orta gasırdagı Aktobe