Ozcan Kaplan - Chats with Mouth Shut…
Ozcan Kaplan - Chats with Mouth Shut…

Ozcan Kaplan - Chats with Mouth Shut…

69,00 TL + %0
ISBN-ISSN: 9786055815417
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Özcan Kaplan’s paintings reach unknown realms through the use of the apparent. The depth of Kaplan’s works is correlated with the phases of the production process. It is possible to see countless layers on the canvas, where restarting with the quest to find the unexperimented, self-questioning and coincidences meet with colors. The search for freedom, thrusted by lines, color successions and brush strokes, ends at a point when nothing else can be added or changed anymore. Kaplan, who lays his life process on the core of his artistic practices, completely alters the timeline perceived by the viewer. According to the artist, his works “…focus on the act of painting itself. They can be defined in terms of timing and some sort of a stratification. This way, the paintings turn into a symbol of a meta-reality. At the basis of this lays existence and being a human. Producing art is a way of seduction, after all.”

This catalogue has been published by Dirimart for the exhibition "Chats with Mouth Shut..." by Özcan Kaplan held between November 8th - December 11 th; 2016.

78 pp, color figures, hb, in Turkish-English bilingual.

Ozcan Kaplan - Chats with Mouth Shut… Ozcan Kaplan - Chats with Mouth Shut… 9786055815417 Ozcan Kaplan - Chats with Mouth Shut…