“Philia. International Journal of Ancient Mediterranean Studies” is the successor journal to “Gephyra. Journal for the Ancient History and Cultures of the Eastern Mediterranean” and published by the same editors. It is new and innovative in its wider outlook, covering both the entire Mediterranean and a vaster range of specialist subjects including epigraphy, papyrology, numismatics, historical geography, archaeology, prosopography, social, economic, military or religious history. Peer-reviewed, the journal is intended to be an international publication platform for new insights into the most varied aspects of ancient Mediterranean cultures. Articles are accepted in English, German, French, Italian and Spanish. All articles include a Turkish summary.
- COŞKUN, Altay / Vier Gesandte des Königs Deiotaros in Rom (45 v. Chr.)
- SØRENSEN, Søren Lund / A Re-examination of the Imperial Oath from Vezirköprü
- VITALE, Marco / Imperial Phrygia: A “Procuratorial Province” Governed by liberti Augusti?
- ÜRKMEZ, Özden – Mustafa ADAK / Hellenistische Grabstelen aus der Ostnekropole von Kyme
- STRASSER, Jean-Yves / Inscriptions agonistiques de Rhodes
- ADAK, Mustafa / Zwei Weihungen aus Klazomenai
- THONEMANN, Peter / Inscriptions from Hadrianopolis, Tieion, Iulia Gordos and Toriaion
- ADAK, Mustafa – Ebru N. AKDOĞU ARCA – Mehmet OKTAN / Neue Inschriften aus Side
- DÖNMEZ-ÖZTÜRK, Filiz – Hüseyin ÖZTÜRK / Neue Inschriften aus Göynük und Mudurnu II
- OKON, Danuta / P. Fu(...) Pontianus, once again
- CORSTEN, Thomas / Prosopographische und onomastische Notizen IV
- COŞKUN ABUAGLA, Asuman / New Inscriptions from Pisidian Conane
- GÖKALP ÖZDİL, Nuray / A new Honorary Decree from Nysa ad Maeandrum
- SCHÜRR, Diether / Beobachtungen an den Grabpfeilern von Isinda
- UZUNOĞLU, Hüseyin / Das Verkehrsnetz von Nord-Ionien (Teos – Lebedos – Klazomenai) anhand alter und neuer Meilensteine
Book Reviews
- VAN BREMEN, Riet – Jan-Mathieu CARBON / Patrice Brun et al. (edd.), Euploia: la Lycie et la Carie antiques. Dynamiques des terri-toires, échanges et identités
- STAUNER, Konrad / Roger S. Bagnall, Eine Wüstenstadt. Leben und Kultur in einer ägyptischen Oase im 4. Jahrhundert n. Chr.