Philia Vol. 2 2016 - International Journal of Ancient Mediterranean Studies
Philia Vol. 2 2016 - International Journal of Ancient Mediterranean Studies

Philia Vol. 2 2016 - International Journal of Ancient Mediterranean Studies

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ISBN-ISSN: 2149-505X-2
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184 pp, b/w figures, hb, articles in turkish and German.

“Philia. International Journal of Ancient Mediterranean Studies” is the successor journal to “Gephyra. Journal for the Ancient History and Cultures of the Eastern Mediterranean” and published by the same editors. It is new and innovative in its wider outlook, covering both the entire Mediterranean and a vaster range of specialist subjects including epigraphy, papyrology, numismatics, historical geography, archaeology, prosopography, social, economic, military or religious history. Peer-reviewed, the journal is intended to be an international publication platform for new insights into the most varied aspects of ancient Mediterranean cultures. Articles are accepted in English, German, French, Italian and Spanish. All articles include a Turkish summary.

Table of Contents
  • ULF, Christoph / Homers Publikum – Wer waren die Zuhörer Homers
  • KONUK, Koray / On Some New Lycian Coin Types
  • SCHÜRR, Diether / Zu einigen lykischen Götternamen
  • LENGER, Dinçer S. / New Evidence for the Western Asia Minor Origin of the Macedonian Royal Bronze Issue Price P2 from Nif Olympos Excavations
  • THONEMANN, Peter / A Hellenistic isopoliteia decree from Laodikeia on the Lykos
  • COŞKUN, Altay / Attalos I and the Conquest of Pessinus. I.Pessinus 1 Reconsidered
  • HARTER-UIBOPUU, Kaja / Hermogenes und die ???ß??? des Kaikos (TAM V 1, 464)
  • ADAK, Mustafa – Hüseyin Sami ÖZTÜRK / Ein neuer Meilenstein aus der Nähe von Dableis (Nikaia) und das flavische Straßenbauprogramm in der Provinz Bithynia et Pontus
  • ÖZTÜRK, Bülent / Two new Milestones from Tios/Tieion in the Karadeniz Ereğli Museum
  • BRANDT, Hartwin / Prostanna, Poseidon und Erdbeben in Kleinasien
  • ÖZDİZBAY, Aşkım – Hamdi ŞAHİN / Neue Inschriften aus Perge 1: L. Annius Annianus, Prokonsul von Pamphylia-Lycia-Isauria
  • STAUNER, Konrad / Die bilinguale Weihung des C. Annius Maximus, centurio der legio XVI Flavia firma
  • ADAK, Mustafa / Phrygische und lydische Denkmäler im Museum von Çeşme
  • BAZ, Ferit / Zwei neue Meilensteine aus Kappadokien aus der Zeit des Maximinus Thrax
  • AKIN, Yasemin / Eine Heraklesweihung aus dem Hinterland von Limyra
  • ŞAHİN, Hamdi / A new Dedicatory Inscription of Athena Oreia from Corycus
  • BALZAT, Jean-Sébastien / Le toponyme Magastara (territoire de Sagalassos)
  • AKDOĞU ARCA, Ebru N. / The procurator Domitius Philippus and Nysa ad Maeandrum in the First Half of the 3rd Century A.D.
  • GÖKALP ÖZDİL, Nuray / The Heavy Athlete M. Aurelius Eutychion from Nysa ad Maeandrum
  • ADAK, Mustafa / Der Läufer Marcus Aurelius Nikomachos aus Erythrai
Philia Vol. 2 2016 - International Journal of Ancient Mediterranean Studies Philia Vol. 2 2016 - International Journal of Ancient Mediterranean Studies 2149-505X-2 Philia Vol. 2 2016 - International Journal of Ancient Mediterranean Studies