Philia Vol. 5 2019 - International Journal of Ancient Mediterranean Studies

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ISBN-ISSN: 2149-505X-5
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Category: Antiquarian

196 pp, color figures, hb, articles in English and German, Turkish summary.

“Philia. International Journal of Ancient Mediterranean Studies” is the successor journal to “Gephyra. Journal for the Ancient History and Cultures of the Eastern Mediterranean” and published by the same editors. It is new and innovative in its wider outlook, covering both the entire Mediterranean and a vaster range of specialist subjects including epigraphy, papyrology, numismatics, historical geography, archaeology, prosopography, social, economic, military or religious history. Peer-reviewed, the journal is intended to be an international publication platform for new insights into the most varied aspects of ancient Mediterranean cultures. Articles are accepted in English, German, French, Italian and Spanish. All articles include a Turkish summary.

Table of Contents

  • Mustafa ADAK – Christina KOKKINIA/ Homer in Rough Cilicia: A Late Hellenistic Metrical Inscription from Lamos
  • Mustafa ADAK / Die Agoranomen von Nikomedeia
  • Thomas CORSTEN / Prosopographische und onomastische Notizen V: Magas und Magas
  • Fabrice DELRIEUX / «Salut! humble monnaie, enfant d’Hyllarima.» Un poème étrange à la gloire d’un fauxmoderne?
  • Nuray GÖKALP ÖZDİL / The Sculptor Eucharistos and his Dedications in Nysa ad Maeandrum
  • Hale GÜNEYA / New Dedication to Potamos from Parsibey in Northeast Phrygia
  • Veronika SCHEIBELREITER-GAIL / Zwei von Ernst Kalinka 1895 kopierte Grabinschriften aus Oinoanda
  • Diether SCHÜRR / Sardes, Spelmos, Krösus und ??????  im Lydischen
  • Diether SCHÜRR / Nachtrag zum lykischen Rautenzeichen ?
  • Burak TAKMER / The House of Hermogenes of Kagrai: The Rural Elites and the Micro-Economy in the Upper Melas Valley
  • Eleni THEODOROY / Zur Grabinschrift des Aur. Asklepianos Krateros und seiner Familie aus Ariassos inPisidien (ICPisidia 133)
  • Peter THONEMANN / New Inscriptions from the Middle Hermos
  • Christian WALLNER / Neue Inschriften aus Tavium. Die Sammlung von Büyüknefes
  • Fatih YILMAZ / New Christian Epitaphs from Yozgat .
  • Emanuel ZINGG – Christian MAREK / Ergänzungen zu den Inschriften von Uzunyuva
Philia Vol. 5 2019 - International Journal of Ancient Mediterranean Studies Philia Vol. 5 2019 - International Journal of Ancient Mediterranean Studies 2149-505X-5 Philia Vol. 5 2019 - International Journal of Ancient Mediterranean Studies