Philia Vol. 6 2020 - nternational Journal of Ancient Mediterranean Studies
Philia Vol. 6 2020 - nternational Journal of Ancient Mediterranean Studies

Philia Vol. 6 2020 - nternational Journal of Ancient Mediterranean Studies

189,00 TL + %0
ISBN-ISSN: 9772149505005-6
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Category: Antiquarian

196 pp, color figures, hb, articles in English and German, Turkish summary.

“Philia. International Journal of Ancient Mediterranean Studies” is the successor journal to “Gephyra. Journal for the Ancient History and Cultures of the Eastern Mediterranean” and published by the same editors. It is new and innovative in its wider outlook, covering both the entire Mediterranean and a vaster range of specialist subjects including epigraphy, papyrology, numismatics, historical geography, archaeology, prosopography, social, economic, military or religious history. Peer-reviewed, the journal is intended to be an international publication platform for new insights into the most varied aspects of ancient Mediterranean cultures. Articles are accepted in English, German, French, Italian and Spanish. All articles include a Turkish summary.

Table of Contents

  • Mustafa ADAK – Peter THONEMANN Teos und Abdera in hellenistischer Zeit: Der Jahreskalender, Kulte und neue Inschriften
  • Ferit BAZ Two New Milestones of Nerva and Traianus/Carus on the Road from Kaisareia to Melitene
  • Marcus CHIN – Leah LAZAR Antipatros of Derbe, Akmoneia and Rome in a notebook of William Mitchell Ramsay
  • Thomas CORSTEN Der Gutsbesitzer Ligys im phrygisch-pisidischen Grenzgebiet
  • Altay COŞKUN Was Pednelissos a ‘Galatian Polis’? A Note on SEG II 710 and the Debate on the Location of Paul’s Galatians
  • Vera HOFMANN Neue Inschriften zum Artemision von Ephesos I: Zwei Grenzsteine der Artemis aus dem Kaystros-Tal
  • Christopher P. JONES Altars of Cleopatra VII and Ptolemy XV Caesarion at Teos
  • Nikos LITINAS Ostraca and Postcards. Secrets in Private Letters Written on Ostraca from Egypt
  • Mehmet OKTAN – Mustafa ADAK Neue Kaiserweihungen und Ehrungen aus Aspendos 
  • Aşkım ÖZDİZBAY – Hamdi ŞAHİN New Inscriptions from Perge 2: The Funerary Inscriptions of the Tomb Buildings Discovered in Parcel 169 of the Western Necropolis
  • Christoph SAMITZ Aus der Arbeit an den Tituli Asiae Minoris I: Neue Grabinschriften aus Antiphellos (Lykien)
  • Hacer SANCAKTAR Coins Found on Aedilicus Hill of Pisidian Antioch
  • Diether SCHÜRR Die lykische ?ni mahanahi: griechisch, luwisch oder ‚anatolisch‘?
  • Konrad STAUNER Der optio bandi tertii Armeniorum Theodotos aus Prusias ad Hypium
Philia Vol. 6 2020 - nternational Journal of Ancient Mediterranean Studies Philia Vol. 6 2020 - nternational Journal of Ancient Mediterranean Studies 9772149505005-6 Philia Vol. 6 2020 - nternational Journal of Ancient Mediterranean Studies