Population and Agricultural Production in Ottoman Morea

55,00 TL + %0
ISBN-ISSN: 9789754285345

Analecta Isisiana CXXXII

261 pp, pb, b/w figures, in English.


  • Preface
  • Settlements and Population in the Morea (1645)
  • Kythera under the Ottomans (1715-1718)
  • Evliya Celebi on Viticulture and the Wines of the Peloponnese and Crete
  • The Testimony of the Ottoman Tax Registers on Viticulture and Wine-production in the Peloponnese (15th-18th c.)
  • Megaris and the History of Viticulture in the Region (16th-18th c.)
  • Viticulture in the Kaza of Tripolitsa (16th-18th c.)
  • Olive Cultivation in the Ottoman Peloponnese
  • Bibliography
  • Index
Population and Agricultural Production in Ottoman Morea Population and Agricultural Production in Ottoman Morea 9789754285345 Population and Agricultural Production in Ottoman Morea