Port Cities of the Aegean World. Coins, Seals and Weights
Port Cities of the Aegean World. Coins, Seals and Weights

Port Cities of the Aegean World. Coins, Seals and Weights

ISBN-ISSN: 9789758628698
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359 pp, color and b/w figures, pb, articles in Turkish and English.


  • Evren ACAR / Coin Findings a Wine Workshop in Antandros 
  • Michel AMANDRY / Monetary Production in the Cycladic Islands Under the Roman Empire (From Augustus to Gordian III) 
  • Vera BULGURLU / Kadıkalesi/Anaia Byzantine Lead Seals from the Excavation Seasons 2011-2017 
  • Benedotto CARROCCIO / Not Only Kymaeans, Not Only Aeolians: New Lights on Local and Foreign Coin Circulation in the Port City of Kyme From Italian Excavations 
  • Burçak DELIKAN / Metropolis Kazısı Sikke Buluntuları 
  • Zeliha DEMIREL GÖKALP / Anadolu’nun Ege Kıyılarında Erken Bizans Dönemi Sikke Dolaşımı 
  • Zeliha DEMIREL GÖKALP - ALAN M. STAHL / A Hoard of Venetian Coinage of Doge Antonio Venier from Emet in Kütahya 
  • Vera GURULEVA / Sherif Osman Nuri Bey and Byzantine Glass Weights from the State Hermitage Collection Found in İzmir 
  • George KAKAVAS / Halai ( East or Opountian Locris, Pthiotis): An Important Port of the Aegean Sea, The Numismatic Evidence from Antiquity (400 B.C.) to the 12th Century A.D
  • Yiannis KOKKINAKIS / Money Circulation in an Aegean Economy: The City-Port of Hermoupolis in the Nineteenth Century 
  • Elena KORKA - Constantine LAGOS / Coin Finds at Koutsongila Ridge as Evidence on the Circulation of Coinage and Commercial Contacts Through Kenchreai Harbour During Antiquity 
  • Ioanna N. KOUKOUNI / Coins and Seals in Byzantine and Genoese Chios ( Fifth- Sixteenth Centuries) 
  • Theodoros KOUREMPANAS / Coins from Excavations at Myrina (Lemnos) 
  • Dimitrios Ath. KOUSOULAS / Hercules’ Depiction on Koan Coins in its Historical-Artistic Context 
  • Eleni LIANTA / The Byzantine Numismatic Single Finds Irom the Thessalonica Metro Archaeological Excavations: 2008-2015  
  • Wilhelm MUESELER /  Pigs with Wings, The Port Towns of Phoinike and Phaselis in Eastern Lycia During the 5th Century BC 
  • Zeynep CIZMELI OGUN-Anthony HOSTEIN / Unpublished Die-Links from Alexandria Troas (Treboniaus Gallus and Valerian) 
  • Merve SARILAR OZDEMIR / Sikkeler Işığında Ionia Bölgesi’nde Seleukosların Varlığı 
  • Hüseyin Murat OZGEN / Adramytteion’dan Ioannes VIII (Xiphilinos) Konstantinopolis Patriklik Mührü Buluntusu ve “E Yapısı” İkincil Kullanımı 
  • Hüsnü OZTURK - Haluk PERK / Aydınoğulları Sikkelerine Genel Bir Bakış ve Aydınoğlu İsa Bey’e Ait Neşredilmemiş Bazı Sikkeler 
  • Charikleia PAPAGEORGIADOU - Eleni GKADOLOU / Archaic Coin Hoards and Maritime Connectivity in the Eastern Mediterranean 
  • Eugen PARASCHIV GRIGORE - Ioana PARASCHIV GRIGORE / Commercial Lead Seals from Smyrna Discovered in Dobroudja 
  • Kadir PEKTAŞ / Milas’ta Ortaya Çıkarılan İki Define Hakkında Notlar 
  • Haluk PERK / Kzykos Antik Kenti Terazi Ağırlıkları Haluk Perk Koleksiyonu 
  • Alan M. STAHL / The Fourteenth Century Ducats of the Emirs of Aydın 
  • Betül TEOMAN / Kadıkalesi-Anaia Kazıları (2001-2016) Türk Dönemi Sikkeleri 
  • Ceren ÜNAL / Iconography and Importance of Palaeologan Coin Finds from Kadıkalesi/Anaia Excavation 
  • Peter vanALFEN / The Limits of Cooperation: Prolegomena to a Die Study of the Archaic Silver Coinages of Phokaia 
  • Oya YAĞIZ / Adramytteion Kazılarında Ele Geçen Sikkeler 
Port Cities of the Aegean World. Coins, Seals and Weights Port Cities of the Aegean World. Coins, Seals and Weights 9789758628698 Port Cities of the Aegean World. Coins, Seals and Weights